
Are philosophers generally religious as well?

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Why or why not?




  1. You know Nietzsche?

  2. Some are, most aren't, and the ones that are are generally not part of any mainstream belief system, though till quite recently most would have claimed affiliation to whatever boogie-man-worshiping-fan-club would keep the mob off their backs and not interfere too much in their rational thought.

  3. no. some study religion objectively. some don't even deal with religious issues. some are religious.

    since a lot of philosophy today deals with religious issues, most philosophers are thinking about religion. some are atheist, though i believe more are agnostic (not knowing whether God exists or not). there are also those philosophers that do believe in God and although they believe, they try to prove His existence to others.  

  4. Depends, but IMO think not,

    if you ask why- because they experienced too much of free thought that the idea of God is absurd.

    Philosophy goes well w/ knowledge and consistency-gladly there is something that we call "philosophy of logic"

    Correct- its not about religion but the fact that atheist philosophers are more reasonable make them more convincing unless that you're the type of guy that assumes the answer before even being questioned.

    Does God exist?

    Theist are more concerned on creating theories w/ fallacies

    Atheist are focused on consistencies and the fact that they might be wrong.

    Lastly-Philosophy tackles Religion w/o assuming one is correct and the other theology is opposite, so Religion is a subcategory in Philosophy

  5. Some are and some aren't. Most are probably spiritual in some way if not religious. Some haters are athiest. My college Philosophy professor was a pastor. He was very unbiased in teaching the class.  

  6. generally no, they almost always shun any kind of religion, especially nowadays. but the ones who dont are seriously worth listening to, like seriously.

  7. not all philosophers are religous, tho i would think that they think alot about that subject as to why it came about and why people think it works and helps them along in life.

    a philosophers question is always why....

    its not a case of religious matters at all.

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