What do you think?
My opinion is... NO. Pine and cedar are a wood shaving type bedding commonly sold cheaply in pet stores. Both pine and cedar are softwoods that contain oils/phenols proven to damage the respiratory system and liver of the animals kept on them over time. Pine has less of these phenols, but still has them.
Pet stores sell these beddings because they are cheap and profitable and there are still so many people who don't know their dangers.
The only wood shaving type bedding that is safe is aspen, which usually isn't much more expensive than the dangerous pine and cedar beddings. Aspen is safe because it is a hardwood and does not contain the phenols that pine and cedar do.
What about kiln dried pine? Kiln dried pine, supposedly, has had the phenols baked out of it, making it safe to use as a bedding. Personally, I don't buy it. Are ALL the phenols really gone? Why even risk it when there are so many safe alternatives?