
Are plants alive?

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i have to know for my homework





  1. ummm yes. they don't just grow by them selves u know

  2. yes, as long as they are watered and have sunlight to grow they can be considered a living thing.

  3. yes

  4. Here's something you may not believe - but it's true.

    It's a bit long, but stick with it.

    An experimant was conducted a few years ago in a greenhouse full of tomato plants.

    A man went in the greenhouse with a stick and smashed half the plants to pieces. Ruined the lot. Then left.

    Scientists then wired the remaining half up to very delicate machinery and left.

    The same man came into the greenhouse with the same stick and all the needles on the machines started flickering.

    The plants sensed the man and were scared of him.

    Does that answer your question?

    (by the way, don't tell any vegetarians about this - they wouldn't have anything to eat!)

  5. Certainly plants are alive.  They respire, they grow in size and number, and they die.

  6. yes!

  7. yes they are considered to be living organisms

  8. Depends if this is a philosophy question . . . in which case they must think <grin>!

    Yes, plants are alive as they consume energy and grow.
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