
Are plants causing global warming?

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Are plants causing global warming?




  1. Plants(Green Plants) can never in the world cause Global Warming. They are the once who restore the Oxygen levels in the atmosphere and replace CO2 . But now, there is not much greenery left in many parts of the world to replace the high concentration Co2 levels in the atmosphere,because of the ever increasing population ...........................................

  2. Nah, plants secret oxygen not carbon emissions...

  3. Yes, because we destroyed them..

  4. I think it's caused by plant farts

  5. where did you get your education frm??

    plants makes the earth a cooler place, pollution and huge population cause global warming

  6. Ok, this is a confusing question.  Do you mean plants, as in manufacturing plants?  Or do you mean plants, as in little green things in the ground??

    If you mean the former, the answer is yes.

    If you mean the latter, the answer is no.  Plants (green things!) scrub the carbon dioxide from the air and replace it with oxygen.

    Did you know, in fact, that in most cities in America, when a new commercial building/mall/shopping center is built, for every square foot of space (parking, inside, etc.) the builders have to put "x" amount of trees and shrubs?  Interesting factoid there.


  7. lol u funny only maryjane plants

  8. Yes they are.

  9. Check out Daisyworld first, then consider, plants> grazers> methane> so Wally wasnt entirely wrong,  if perchance a little facetious! :-)

  10. The lack of them is contributing, plants absorb Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere...Excess Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is causing global warming.

  11. It's an inside job, just like the gov. did 911, "Al Gore" and "Chicken Little" are best friends, "THE SKY IS FALLING", they are in collusion with Bush, Cheney, and are making money on oil, and are getting Saddam back for threatening Bush's Father, they own "Haliburton" and are "Atheist's !

  12. Hello....Plants will save us from global warming.

  13. Global warming is caused by too much people suggesting what is good. (but not doing it) everyone tries to outsmart each other by talks! (by pointing fingers to those who has nothing to do with it) you cannot cure a disease with just talking and by paying lip service just to make you look good and concerned. this does not stop people from doing harm to the environment,  too much talk causes confusion as to what really has to be done, in order to  reverse the trend! too much politics and economic interests are speeding up death of our planet.and yet, when someone talks about global warming, every body laughs as if they're listening to a group of stand up comedians.

    don't wait until we had to act together in unison. we can act "now" even individually. and if its not enough, we would have to eleminate some individuals to save million of other individuals.

    That! is what you call seriousness...

  14. i agree with plants can never cause global warming........

  15. No. They are helping. They metabolise CO2, and give off oxygen.

  16. no. they actually prevent global warming.

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