
Are plastic bags - hazardous waste?

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Are plastic bags - hazardous waste?




  1. Technically they're not, because even though people think they're man-made, technically nothing is man-made. where do u think that plastic comes from? an alien planet? Even though it doesn't seem like it, plastic is as natural as anything else, so no, it's not hazardous waste.

    it is if you burn it though, and that could not only potentially kill those around, with the toxic fumes, but also burn a hole in the ozone and we'd all be deep-fried to death.

  2. They are defiantly hazardous waste!

    If you use them, try using cloth bags. They are so much better and can hold a ton of stuff!

  3. Hazardous waste. . . no, not likely.  Outside of that suffocation and small children deal, are they hazardous?  I at least don't think so.  There are a bunch of categories for hazardous waste legally, and I don't see where they'd fit off the top of my head.

    Are they a problem in landfills?  Yes, because they take forever to degrade -- we sort of designed them to be this way.  However, that doesn't make them truly hazardous.

  4. no..they are actually very takes a long time to break down material is what breaks down and leaks into the soil/water at a dump/land fill...all the other answers have not read the studies and are answering on their feelings...not facts.

  5. plastic bags are hard to recycle and are usually dumped in landfills so you should try to avoid them.

  6. Definately - I have been told they take like 100 years to break down back into the earth.

    Let alone all the animals that get suffocated from them.

    Use woven recycle bags, they are stronger and much better for the environment.

  7. yes! They harm animals, they don't biodegrade. Use the reusable shopping bags, they are much better.

  8. Of course

  9. Yes, and you can't get rid of them because they weren't made by nature. This is true for all plastic I learned about this in technology. And you can't burn them because it is posionous.

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