
Are pocket bikes legal on sidewalks or bike lanes in san antonio,texas?

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So i was on the website where it talks about the laws for pocket bikes on streets or sidewalks. i just need to make sure if i read right. i read that it is illegal to ride on the sidewalk or on the streets and you cannot register the bike to be street legal. i really wanted to get one just to go to my friends house faster but i guess i cant buy one now. I am also referring to one of the larger pocket bikes like the x18 and im 13 if u need that info.




  1. No.

  2. Raymond.

    You cant even ride a bicycle on a sidewalk in Texas.

    I feel very confident that the San Antonio police department will be lenient on your first citation and probably call your parents.

    If you are a regular 13 year old dill weed, you can expect to find new friends at Boys Town once your parents throw you out.

  3. No motor vehicle may be operated on a sidewalk or bicycle lane anywhere in TX.  Sidewalks are for pedestrians only and bike lanes are for non-motorized vehicles only.

    Most "pocket bikes" are not street legal (no DOT label) so may not be operated on any public road in most jurisdictions.  They are strictly off-road use only.

  4. No and No you will have to walk it is good exercise for you

  5. It is illegal to ride ANY motor vehicle on a sidewalk

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