
Are poems writte today still considered modernist poetry?

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Are poems writte today still considered modernist poetry?




  1. so weird but yet true

  2. It may sound strange, but when it comes to poetry and art, the word "modern" has nothing to do with the time in which the art was created.

    Modernism instead is a rejection of traditional ideas and techniques in art and literature and replacing them with innovations. For example, the literary magazine BLAST!, one of the launching points of Modernism. BLAST! was one of the first, if not first, publication to use assymetry, varied margins, fonts, and font sizes, specifically to create emphasis and meaning. Here is a photo:

    So, to answer you question, poems written today CAN be modern, but aren't necessarily.

  3. I love BLAST. I thank one of the responders for mentioning it. BLAST was a journal of Vorticism and, to some extent, Futurism, both of which were movements within Modernism.

    Modernism begins somewhere between Whitman and World War I (arguments about beginnings vary) and ends around World II.

    Post-modernism eventually came along, but it has pretty much faded away. The self-referential text is essentially obsolete because it has been done to death, and very few write "post-modernism" literature anymore.

    Today's poetry is just called "contemporary".

    Now, there are some movements within contemporary poetry like Ellipticism, which seems the strongest "school" or "movement" within contemporary poetry.

    However, one can write poems in the modernist-vein.

    I think Al Poulin said it the best. He said: "T. S. Eliot gave us 'The Waste Land' and we've been trying to populate it ever since." In other words, there is Modernism ("The Waste Land") and then there is "post-modernism," where we populate The Waste Land with our egos. However, Poulin wrote that in the 80s. Since then, it is just called contemporary poetry.

  4. Modern means 'of the present day'  and yet if to-day's poetry is called 'post-modern' that means 'after the present day' (future poetry?) weird, eh?

  5. They are considered to be post-modern.

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