
Are polar bears edible?

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If there home is disappearing due to global warming than doesn't it make sense to eat them now before they are all gone?




  1. Your out of the loop.  People eat polar bear all the time. Polar bear meat has lots of Vitamin A and Iron.  And make a great snack at the drive in movies.

    Bears also have trichinosis. So do not eat raw only well done.  

    Cooking meat products to an internal temperature of 165 °F (74 °C) for a minimum of 15 seconds.

  2. The free range organic polar bears are supposed to taste better.

  3. Only if you don't get eaten first.

  4. make em into burgers and grill em up!  As ted says kill em and grill em!

  5. They are if you're fast and strong enough.

  6. Great idea, raise them like cattle, then they will never go extinct and nobody will care about them.

  7. Why is this in elections.

    and yes polar bears are edible, there bears.

  8. There is an over population of polar bears and both Canada and Alaska said they should not be on any endangered list. In fact Canada wants a hunting season on them to control their numbers.

  9. They are edible if you have nothing else; again as stated above, their meat has a high level of Vitamin A, which can make you ill in large doses.

  10. You can eat anything...

    But that's sick.

  11. I got to tell your question made me laugh..thanks..

  12. Some times you eat the bear, sometime he bear eats you.

  13. yeah but not as good a roast, stuffed spotted owl. may as well, the letter telling them that they are extinct has been mailed it's just not been delivered yet.

  14. Thier livers contain deadly levels of vitimin A, that I do know.

  15. Moose brains are all the rave....You just slurp them through your teeth...ask Jacky above me here...he adores Moose brains.

    You retardicans could never eat polar bear...they are beneath you...after all they have BLACK SKIN under their WHITE FUR.

    God has a sense of humour after all.

  16. Must be, after all Palin wants to take them off the endangered species list and hunt them.

  17. They are a difficult kill, just ask an eskimo. They are huge critters I would not tangle with. There is less hazardous food out there buddy. Take a pass, not worth the effort.

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