
Are polar bears endangered?

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I'm doing an assignment, and its on endangered animals. I am doing the polar bear bear but I'm not sure if they endangered?




  1. Yes. In fact, they're melting

  2. Polar bears are a "Threatened Species"... which means they are likely to become endangered in the future.

  3. oh now you hear


    Polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

    Current Listing Status: Threatened

    List of all endangered or threatened animals (updated daily)

    What does “endangered” mean?

    A species is listed under one of two categories, endangered or threatened, depending on its status and the degree of threat it faces. An “endangered” species is one that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. A “threatened” species is one that is likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future......

    The Basis for Listing

    Under the ESA, the following factors determine whether or not a species should be listed as endangered or threatened:

    • the present or threatened destruction, modification, or curtailment of the species’ habitat or range;

    • overutilization for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes;

    • disease or predation;

    • the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms; and

    • other natural or manmade factors affecting the species’ continued existence.

  5. Yes. WWF advertises all the time asking people to send money to help save them.

  6. the polar bear is vulnerable species. A Vulnerable species is a species which is likely to become endangered unless the circumstances threatening its survival and reproduction improve.

  7. google it.

    They can't be endangered, I have one stuffed in my living room!


  8. global warming is melting ice. polar bears live on ice. when the ice goes away, they have to swim for land/ice. for the first time in ages, polar bears are drowning. they are also losing lots of food. no land and no food equals death. lots of death is not so good.

  9. They're vulnerable, but not endangered. They still need protection, though. I would ask your teacher for permission; I'm sure s/he'll let you do a report on them regardless of their official status. Good luck!

  10. i wish they werent but yes... they r

  11. Yes they are because all the ice is melting and the polar bares have no where to go where it is cold. and it is all our falt from global warming.

  12. No.

    On May 14, 2008, that it is listing the polar bear as a Threatened Species under the Endangered Species Act.

  13. no they are not. but they are about to be... if you saw the global warming commercial it show it there.

  14. yes because of global warming

  15. Look up WWF.

    It is heartbreaking. They say most will die during this generation due to loss of habitat.

  16. i heard it on the news the other day.


    of couse they are endangered!!!!

  18. Get your research back about 3 years.  There were estimated to be 25000 or more.

    Since the oil situation, they have suddenly become endangered and will keep the oil rigs out.

  19. yes they are thanks to global warming..... how can you not know that it's like on comercials and everything (atleast where i live)

  20. Yes

  21. HOLY ****


  22. yeah the are =(

    i saw i rly sad comershal about them going extinct because of the ice caps r melting =[

  23. yes because the polar ice caps are melting(which are the polar bears home)

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