
Are politicians afraid to oppose global warming…?

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Are politicians afraid to oppose global warming…?




  1. There is more money and power to be gleaned from supporting it.

  2. I tend to think that yes politicians are afraid to oppose  to global warminng because it is a question of lobby, money, power and seeking own's interest - it is unfortunately true because funds for political campaigns are mostly donated by multinational companies owing industries which contribute to release of greenhouse gases. Hence, opposing to global warming would mean reducing industrial activities or more aggressive control on the industries air emissions which would certainly not be approved by the multinationals and hence they would threaten to withdraw their monetary back-up if any bill or motion were voted for air emission reduction

  3. if Al Gore were the president of the United States, I'd definitely say no.


  5. Now, is opposing global warming proposing action to stop global warming, or is it proposing no action in the hope that global warming may not happen?

    I expect that most politicians today would be concerned about appearing reckless if they propose no action, and may also be in a frozen posture, unwilling to recommend any action to stop global warming.

    The same politicians may propose measures to reduce dependence on oil or fossil fuels generally, because this has a safe rationale. They may feel it prudent to propose much larger water storage facilities to deal with both flooding and drought. They may even be willing to propose measures to protect us from major wind damage that is likely to occur if we have global warming.

    But, money spent to actually stop global warming is still a hard sell to the voters.

  6. I can't say for sure if they're afraid of the environmentalists or if they're simply pandering to them in an effort to buy votes.  They are certainly on their team though.

  7. For the time being.... yes.  But as those who are seeing through the hoax of AGW continue to grow, they (the politicians) will distance themselves from this latest of crazes.

  8. no they really don't care about it they are just busy in filling up there pockets

  9. no, if anything they were afraid to admit to the evidence supporting global warming for many years.

  10. No they didn't because most of the politician don't care about environmental problems and they only think is how do they become famous and rich

  11. Kind of.

    But basically George Bush and the Republicans realized they were on the losing side of that particular issue as far as popularity goes.

    So they found a way to stay conservative and still side with the popular choice.  They said that our oil dependence is hurting us; because our oil comes from our enemies (not true actually, most comes from allies Mexico and Canada).

    But since everyone believes all oil comes from the Middle East, they believed him.

    So now Bush got a whole lot of Republicans to side with Global Warming, even though they weren't really with Global Warming but rather for hurting Iran.  But either way, they got on the popular side of this issue.

    So now Republicans who still are against Global Warming ideas are still having to side with the Global Warming idea supporters; because they don't want to alienate those Republicans who see this as a fight against enemies like Iran and Venezuela.

    The last few holdouts are basically people like you.  Even if you don't believe in it, you are now stuck in the minority on this issue.  I don't see them turning back for a while; not until Iran and Venezuela are no longer threats and that connection of us getting our oil from them dies down.

    You can blame the Democrats, you can blame America, and/or you can blame George W. Bush; but this issue is done and pro-environment won.  Bush just saw that and finished the job for them, but with a win for both sides rather than a loss for the Republicans.

  12. Of course they are, why else would some boob like Newt Gingrich pay any lip service Anthropogenic Global Warming. All they really care about are the votes, power and money.

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