
Are pools clean??

by  |  earlier

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i go to this private pool that you have to get a membership in order to swim in it and i was just wondering if pools are really clean? i mean theres kids peeing in pools, people sneezing and spitting into the water?




  1. Probably not, but chlorine takes care of bad stuff, and just don't swallow the water.

  2. Probably with all of the chlorine, but always make sure you shower after you are done and clean your ears out.  If you don't, the bacteria from the chlorine will grow and cause an ear ache.

    I just dip one end of a cotton swab into rubing alchohol, then swoosh it around both of my ears. The alchohol dries out the ear. And then I dip the other end into vinegar, and swoosh it around. Vinegar kills bacteria.

  3. they do use cholorine..but the pee'in thing....It has never killed a kid...yet  :  )

    Just take a shower when you get out and wash off and keep your mouth closed...

  4. Yes pools are clean because the chlorine kills germs and plus a person comes in every so often to come and clean the pool!!!

  5. Chlorine normally deals with all that, but if you see a big brown floater heading your way then get out quick!!!

  6. of course the pools are clean!! there is usually sooo much chlorine in a public pool or pools where competitive swimmers swim because of stuff like sweat and other bodily fluids.

    private pools are the ones that do not have an overabundance of chlorine. im not saying those are less clean, it's just that public ones usually put A LOTTTT of chlorine in to ensure that its definitely clean.
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