
Are potatoes fattening?

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I eat a lot of potatoes !BUT!!!! I heard they make you fat. I need to lose 5lbs fast!!




  1. Yes they are, if you cut them down in your meals you will lose some weight, especially around your stomach, waist and hips area,try and just have an egg sized one and pile up on the veg!!!  I know because I've done it!!!

  2. All foods are fattening, depending on the quantities you eat them in.  Weight loss/gain is a matter of calories in versus calories out.  No one food is responsible for that.  If you want to lose weight, eat less and exercise more.

  3. It is what you put on them or how you cook it that makes potato fattening.  Boiled potatoes has less calories than fried potatoes.  But when you put cream dressing on boiled potatoes, then it has more calories than just plain fried potatoes.  If you want to lose weight, then eat more of vegetables like carrots, lettuce, spinach, eat more fruits, and exercise.

  4. Yes potatoes are fattening.  If you love them so much, try sweet potatoes. The best way to lose 5lbs quick is not to eat bread, sugar for a week.

  5. No food is "fattening."  Consuming more calories than your body burns will make you gain weight.  You could eat nothing but ice cream and cookies and lose weight as long as your calorie intake is less than your calorie expenditure.

  6. no potatoes are not fattening just watch how you cook them, dont add butter, oil or sour cream. You can put seasoning on them and they're good Try sweet potatoes they are the best for you because they have more fiber. If you need to lose 5lbs fast, watch how much salt you eat, drink a lot of water and or coffee with skim milk. Eat fiber one cereal with skim milk once a day and just dont eat any cheese or fried food. You'll lose the weight.

  7. Potatoes have a low fat content.. Are they fattening? Depends *how* you cook them. Baked potatoes are low in fat, whereas fried potatoes are high in fat and may contribute to weight gain. Don't forget that your lifestyle plays a major role in your overall health-- try to reduce stress & incorporate more exercise into your daily routine.

    I hope this helps. :]

  8. Diet/Exercise

  9. Depends on what kind of potatos and how you cook them.

    And what you put on them.

    Butter is fattening.

  10. nope! I find if you eat the skins and drink water and do excercise i find you will lose wieght a bit!

  11. yes

  12. No they are most certainly not.  In fact they are very good for you.  They are filling and low in calories. (One of the big potatoes is only 110 calories!) But instead of putting on the butter and cheese use salsas and hot sauce.  They are also good plain! I probably eat at least one a day, maybe every other.  

  13. no potatoes are not fattening, just dont eat loads

  14. Potatoes are considered a grain and are only supposed to be eaten 1/4 of a cup at a time. Eating a lot of them won't help you with your weight loss needs.  You'll be better off mixing grains like quinoa, bulgur wheat, and millet into your diet since they are a little bit more fibrous than potatoes.  Keep in mind too that different people have different metabolisms.  If your metabolism is slow than you probably should limit yourself to !/8 of a cup of potatoes at a time.  Never eat a serving of  potatoes along with a serving of rice, bread etc.  That's too many carbohydrates at one time. Eat a serving of grain+ a legume and some vegetables and call it quits. Don't eat more than your body can burn.  Also, butter and oil on potatoes are a no no. If you deep fry some place them on some napkins so that the  extra oil can be absorbed and you can eat the potatoes without all the grease.

  15. Potatoes can be fattening in the sense that the starch turns to sugar in the body and therefore you're likely to put on weight

  16. EVERYTHING is FATTENING! you can eat anything you want but it always has to be in MODERATION! (:

  17. Potatoes are high on the glycemic index.  If you don;t burn it off, they will convert to fat.  Potatoes should probably be avoided if you want to lose a few lbs.

  18. No.

    What you put on it and how you cook it can make it to be - but then it really isn't the potato that is fattening then is it.

    A site that you might find helpful in keeping track of calorie intake is:

  19. No not at all - its what you put ON potatoes that is fattening - eg loads of butter or, if you fry them or eat them loaded with cheese, or mash them with cream and butter. On their own they are very low calorie and a good food to diet on as they are filling - try baked potatoes topped with low calorie foods rather than chees or mayo

  20. No, only what they're cooked in.

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