
Are pre employment drug test always correct?

by  |  earlier

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i took a drug test to work at target and they said that i didnt pass i dont drink, smoke or do any other drugs i dont even take any medicine of any kind why would they said that i did not pass the drug test.

what are the factors that would make you fail




  1. they should give you the results of what was found, you could get another drug test immediately and sue the place if they messed up the drug test

  2. Perhaps you enjoy poppy seed bagels. There are trace amounts of opiates in the poppy seed, over the counter cough medicine can also contain similar contents. Ask if they will share the results, maybe the lab made a mistake.

  3. I'm not sure what other common foods might cause this, but if you eat poppy seeds or anything with poppy seeds in it, the test will come back positive.

  4. This almost happened to me once.  I'm a very light eater, particularly in the morning, but I drink a lot of water, coffee, and juice.  Your urine has to be a certain density for them to get a valid reading.  Even though I don't drink alcohol, take prescription medicines, or do drugs, I almost failed.  If they can't get a proper reading, then you fail.  Usually you can re-test in 6 months.  If this is what you think happened to you, you may speak with the store management and explain.  It probably won't change their standing, but they may allow you to re-test.

  5. They are pretty accurate. Maybe they got your screwed up with someone elses. Also, some drugs do stay in your system for a looong time, so any drugs you may have done last year or even long may stilll be in your system.

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