
Are pro-abortionists deluding themselves?

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When they say the unborn child is part of the woman's body and women have absolute control of their body.

Does the unborn child have rights separate from that of its mother? The right to life.




  1. 1. Unborn child part of woman's body > I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any medical professional / biologist who disagreed with that. The embryo/foetus is attached to and housed by the women. So no, no delusion on that part.

    2. Women have absolute control over their body. Well, this statement isn't entirely correct. I could be stabbed on my way home, or I could develop cancer or some other disease. So no woman has complete control over her body. If you mean does anyone have the legal right to do anything to a woman's body, I can't think of any examples offhand. Maybe taking fingerprints if she was arrested, or other stuff like that. Well actually, arresting a woman in itself. But I don't see any pro-choice people claiming that a woman has absolute control of her body in these senses.

    3. Rights to life. Not where I live, in England. I'm pretty sure not in the rest of Europe too. So, no, no delusion on this part either.

    I hope this has helped to answer your question.

  2. i must agree with victoria...

    i find that most people who hold this view are 1) not able to become pregnant, 2) have never been pregnant, 3) view pregnancy as punishment of unmarried s*x 4) use their faith as a reason or 5) male.

    also, i find it amazing that many of the "pro-life" people give less than a d**n about children (primarily  minority and poor children) that are presently alive.  another thing that boggles my mind is that many who are so "pro-fetus" tend to vote to defund programs (head start, after-school programs, early reading programs, SCHIP, et al) designed to help LIVING BREATHING CHILDREN!  so that's the delusion, in my eyes.

    i also think that the emphasis on abortion is usually the female.  this is problematic given that many MALE partners are instrumental in abortion decisions.  

    so to answer your question, i don't think that many who support abortion are "delusional."  but i do think that pregnancy, abortion and reproductive choice are far too nuanced to simply default to women not caring about the "life of the unborn."

    and....i think that anyone who believes that women simply abort and not think about it, are deluding themselves.  most women are VERY AWARE of their decision and the outcome of that decision.

    ps.. pro-choice doesn't mean PRO-ABORT EVERY PREGNANCY! it means pro-choice to make the reproductive health decision, which works best for the person, in question. and the term pro-abortion is crouched in propaganda and ideology.

  3. I don't know of any pro-abortionists. That is just NUTS in my opinion.  However there are many people who are pro-choice.  Many people who are pro choice believe the unborn child is part of the woman's body because it cannot survive without the woman's body.  This is usually typical until 24 weeks, or the age of viability.  This is also the age at which abortions become illegal.

  4. Yes, I firmly believe that the unborn child has the right to live. In today's modern society, pro-abortionists just want short-cut answers / quick-fix to problems.


  5. Are anti-abortionists deluding themselves?  First of all, no one wants to *promote* abortion.  The use of the term pro-abortion is propaganda.  

    The reality is that for every person breathing, there is a different belief about when life begins and when legals rights should be afforded to a life form.

    The law must be written in a way to preserve autonomy and allow for diverse belief systems,  while preventing individuals from infringing on the rights of others.

    So if you can provide irrefutable evidence of the exact moment "life" begins (and what does that mean?  an active nervous system? sentience?  viability outside the womb without technology?) then we can discuss rights for the entity in the womb.


  7. Nobody want to kill a baby, however some people have choices about what to do with their unborn baby.

  8. Firstly it is time to kill off this word game people keep using: pro-choice just keeps on confusing people (generally those too obtuse to unravel its implied meaning). As stated above, no one is pro-abortion in the sense that they encourage  random abortion, rather they are in favour of abortion as a choice. That's what pro-choice really means. Anyone who reads it otherwise is being disingenuous. It means having abortion as an option.

    At the time almost all abortions are performed what is inside the womb is not a human being (how many times must this be said?). True enough left alone it would become a human being, but this is not the same thing; left alone, sperm would also become a human being, but only cranks oppose contraception on those grounds. Abortion is the last solution after contraception has failed, or where complications arise.

    A foetus is dependent on the mother for a long time, it is part of her. Rights are given to human beings not potential human beings, so the mother's rights come first.

  9. According to Judge A. Scalia of the U.S. supreme court (a pious Catholic incidentally), a gravid female is counted as one person and not two distinct people.  It is his legal opinion that abortion rights should be afforded to the states and no changes to current federal code me made in this regard.

    N.B.:  The opinions presented above represent those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Bristol-Myers Squibb or its affiliate companies.  None of the presented statement should bre misconstrued as constituting a physician-patient relationship nor an attorney-client relationship.

    Moreover, the author wishes to issue his apologies for any offense or lack thereof to any members of the community in advance.  Any spelling/syntactical errors are purely the result of human error and I apologize in advance for any offense this may cause the members of this community.

  10. Pretty easy to say for someone who will never be pregnant............

    I had a baby on the fifth of this month, today is the 29th, a little over 3 weeks have passed and I am still bleeding, still hurting, my heath has still not recovered yet, oh, and you want to know the nitty gritty of carrying the kid and birthing it?

    Honestly I don't care if you want to know, because I'm going to tell you anyways so you are well aware of what you pro-lifers are trying to force on women!

    Do you know what it feels like to be a slave in your own body? To have pain you cannot escape because doctors don't want to give you pain meds because it might hurt the unborn? I was in so much pain from my pelvis expanding that I could barely stand to go to the bathroom, it felt like my body was being ripped apart from the inside, oh, but that's all a part of pregnancy isn't it? Well that's what the doctors said when I went to ask for a way to stop the pain! The doctors don't care about the mothers! They care more about the leech inside them who is taking up all the vitamins and nutrients that could help keep the mother's health stable! My ankles were so swollen that they felt broken, I couldn't even stand long enough to take a quick shower! My organs were all shoved up into my ribcage to make room for the baby, meaning I couldn't even take a full breath!

    Oh, and the labor, the pain was so back it caused my to puke even though my stomach was empty!

    Oh, but that's all part of being pregnant isn't it? Then that's all the more reason why NO ONE should be forced to UNWILLINGLY stay pregnant!

    Oh, and what's that you're about to snap back with? Should have used birth control, is that what's going around in that little one sided mine of your's? Well guess what: I DID! Oh, and guess what: Birth control failed! Even using the depo shot, one of the most effective forms of birth control there is, I STILL got pregnant! Birth control doesn't always work so get that through your thick little head!

    Oh, and what's the next oh so predictable pro-life recourse: Don't have s*x if you don't want to get pregnant, is that the next bit of ammo you had? Well guess what, nature, who has been around a lot longer than you have, begs to differ, s*x is a natural urge in every living being on this planet (not including those bacteria that don't require s*x for reproduction), Are you a virgin? Is every person you know who doesn't want kids a virgin? Hey, is anyone you know over 20 a virgin? If the answer is no then I've proven my point! Why should women have to deny their natural urges and give up the pure sensual and emotional bond that s*x between two people in love can provide? Because they can carry kids? Well guess what, men help create kids so maybe they too should stop having s*x, no how many men do you know that don't want kids would stop having s*x huh? I'm betting not many, if any!

    Oh, and the well parroted "Pregnancy is a risk that comes along with s*x" line that your kind often vomit, guess what, by saying so you are calling the very "Children" you are trying to "Protect" a hated burden, a risk like a car accident or food poisoning, or even comparable to an illness, so you are actually showing your hypocrisy right there!

    Pro-choicers like myself aren't only about it being a woman's right to choose what to do with her body, thought that is one of our stands, it's also about making sure that less children are born to people who don't want them, who would abandon them are would be unable to care for them or have a healthy pregnancy, which as anyone with a brain knows, a healthy pregnancy is key to having a healthy baby!

    So remove your blinders and meet the real world buddy, or keep living in your own little world, just remember, you can't convince us to value potential life over the life and mental well being of an already living human being!

    And yes, I know there is a chance you won't even read this whole answer because I don't agree with your views and I know I can't change your mind on the subject because you are already set in your views, but hey, at least I can say my piece on the matter and let you know exactly how a feel about your close minded views!

  11. i believe so.

  12. The recent dicision not to limit the time span is being called a triumph of rationality over emotion, so I'm going to say the pro-CHOICE side is not deluded. People have actually studied this you know, the embryo is not a full life yet.

    It's easy to say pregnancy is a risk to s*x when you arn't running that risk.I also like Victoria's answer; pretty big punishment for one bd decision.

    And most people, when considering abortions, do so VERY seriously. I've read transcripts of their moral reasoning, and more emotive descriptions in newspapers. It's not a lighthearted decision. The Pro-choice are not deluded, they consider the true facts of life in making these decisions - and it's a decision I fear making more than anything. Pro-choice does not mean we think abortion is a desirable outcome.

    I'd be happier with the pro-life side if they were more consistant. So unless you're a vegetarian, who doesn't wear leather, and who is against the death sentence in any situation, don't use the phrase "right to life". If you are, then fair enough : )

  13. No, I don't believe an embryo is the same as a person. It has no rights.

  14. Why does the word pro need to be added? If you believe in choice, you are pro-choice. Not pro-abortion!

    That seems to be a smear tactic all in itself.

    This subject has been beaten to death, and so I will answer the way I did another million of these.

    You aren't going to change your mind. And using tactics such as this certainly won't change mine. There are circumstances with even the best intentions when it comes to this subject, and I think people are better off having the freedom to make that choice if they feel necessary.

    Why does a woman have to give up her right to chose because she isn't ready? Or has been raped?

    There are many men also who encourage abortion when they aren't ready yet, hence the "I don't think I should pay because she chose to have it" debate as well.

    It is a personal decision that people should stay out of with exception of the immediate people involved.

    Pro-child, pro-family, pro-choice

  15. This is not a child we are discussing but a nest of cells.  The woman should have control over her body like we have control over ours.

  16. the term is pro choice for starters( choice is obviously something you have a problem with). a zygote cannot sustain itself outside of a womans body so the answer to your question is no.

  17. What's a pro-abortionist? Someone that believes women should have abortions no matter what? Wouldn't that kill the population?

    Anyway, I think fetuses have rights; GIVE THEM SUFFRAGE! GIVE THEM THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS! GIVE THEM THE RIGHT TO A CAREER! Their rights are being totally stripped away from them by the cruel prison of the womb.

    The thing is, if you call yourself "pro-life" you really should be pro-choice, because abortions are going to happen anyway; they've found that in countries where it's illegal, roughly the same amount of abortions happen, but the death toll is dramatically higher for women. Not only do your precious embryos die, but so do the adult and teen women.

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