
Are psychedelic drugs really that bad? ?

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I sit in the unbound and pathetic world thinking about ways to be elevated both spiritually, mentally and physically. It's hard to say what exactly I need in this life. All i know is I constantly am looking for something. Some form of expression maybe something to own and make my own but it only exists in a drug dazed mind frame listening or playing good music. (Mostly the psychedelic side of the Blues.) Which riddles the questions is a drug dazed mind frame so wrong? Is it possible that drugs are what make me my best? I'm not talking about hard narcotics. I'm talking about psychedelics like Weed and mushrooms, salvia, acid, psycho actives man. I don't dabble in the other ****. It doesn't elevate, it separates. Separates what you want and need to feel with what your brain says "just feels good". I like the heavy shamanic drugs. They can be so unpleasantly wonderful. It's that feeling of uneasiness that makes me feel like I'm finding something. Whether that be for better or worse. Truly looking into my soul. I know that it's cliche to say things like "It helps me find myself" and "It helps my soul" and etc... But have you every stopped to wonder that maybe these psychedelic astronauts aren't making this **** up. Maybe it's true. Why can't we consider this as reality? Just for the record I'm neither drink nor drugged while writing this. It's just how I feel. Maybe the ancient people new a thing or two about finding out about other consciousnesses. It's hard to say what exactly I'm writing this for. I'm guessing mostly just self assurance that I may not be the only one who truly loves being drug induced and doesn't want to feel guilt for it. I can't think of a single reason not to use these wonderful tools for looking into ones self. The drugs I am talking about are not addictive by nature. I despise things such as Heroin, Cocaine, Meth, Ecstasy etc... If nature didn't provide it already then don't **** with it my friend. (rare exception possibly is acid, but the cousin from the world of morning glories is closely related.) Any Thoughts?  Or am I just a dope head? Let me know....




  1. Yes they are.  You are not asking a question, you are just seeking validation for your opinion.

    You don't need a reason, you already know the reason.  You want sympathy.

  2. I remember the 60's and 70's well.  Flashbacks aren't pretty.  They can happen any where, any time.  Driving a car, at work, etc.  No, Phyc drugs are very bad.  Those that took too many of them have effects, still.  Burn-outs,etc.  

  3. has a lot of info on the subject.  ALso check out Wild Kratom: My personal opinion is that anything which is abused is bad and anything in moderation is OK.

  4. your all screwed up! you should just stop beating around the bush and start slamming ****,sounds to me like it's pretty inevitable any go ahead and shove that rig in your arm and you will really find your self,find your self dead!!!! sounds to me with that kind of attitude your going to keep looking for your self until it kills you any way.

  5. Read about the adventures of Carlos Castenda, and his dealings with his Mentor Don Juan Matuse. Whether these are true stories or Fantasy, they are a powerful insight into the ways of a man seeking knowledge, and the teachings of a "sorcerer?", intent on teaching his charge some important ideas. These are very entertaining and insightfull books, which will give you some ideas of respecting and appreciating these paths into the sub concious.

    These are tools, not to be taken lightly or without respect. Don Juan (through the writings of Castenada) makes it clear in these books, how, when, and why to delve into these journeys, and that utmost respect must be given for the lessons to be learned. Many people take them with no respect, for themselves, or the drug, and it is these people who become the bums and burnouts. Those who seek inwardly, and with respect, can learn much.

  6. No, you're right. Psychedelics are great, just don's bash on MDMA cause that one actually isn't too bad, along with some other synthetic psychedelics, like 2C-E and whatnot. Some psychonauts say that they're better than the neturals at making you think about that amazing stuff. Don't listen to the haters.

  7. The problem is, to me, that some people have fragile psyches.

    They would not know until they took it, but some folks should not

    ever do any psychedelics at all. It doesn't agree with their mental

    abilities, and some will freak out, burn out, or get really screwed up.

    I and most of my friends did that, went there, and most of us

    are ok now, decades later.

    But there were a few who walked the streets, babbled in basements,

    or never did much of anything anymore after trips.

    Very mind-expanding, yes. But some can't expand theirs.

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