
Are psychics real?

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I have been looking into it, and it seems to be some what true. If you know all the science lol.




  1. No, they are all frauds. They use their "talents" just to get take away your hard earned money.  Look up The Amazing Randi. He is a professional magician that exposes psychics.

  2. The one that took my $25 bucks was certainly real!

  3. I'm amazed at how fast and easy it seems to be to say: nah its a fake, they are not real.

    why? Of all the ppl that said that, how many of you have had an extraordinary experience? None, does that make it not true? no! why should it?

    Why do we believe some things we are told and not others? is it just because most of the ppl believe the former? so the latter may be fake?

    Why is it that science has such credibility? because we have given credibility to it! if we hear that a scientific study discovered that X, then X must be true! but wait.. wasn't it true before? it was! but somehow we have come to a point where if it hasn't been 'proved' by science, then it doesn't exist. isn't this silly?

  4. Depends on your definition. Some people are intuitive and some people can sense what has happened before or will happen next depending on how their cells react to the conditions of the chemistry in the area.

  5. There are people who call themselves psychics, and some of them even believe they have psychic abilities, but to date there is absolutely no credible evidence which would support the idea that psychics have any kind of paranormal ability. There is no "science" of paranormal simply because the paranormal so far has defied any attempt to investigate it scientifically, and this is most likely because the paranormal (e.g., psychics, telekinesis, precognition, astral projection, etc.) does not exist.

    By the way, Sylvia Browne and John Edward are two of the biggest money-grubbing frauds out there.

  6. life before life ... dr helen wambach

    life after life  ... dr raymond moody

    any books on near death experiences that relate the subject as having gathered totally accurate locality data from miles and miles away from the locality of his/her body and its 5 senses..

    those 'scienrists and happy slappy pseudo skeptics keep burying their own refuations - I wonder why LOL

  7. yes, psychics are real. There are alot of them out there. Science has not been able to prove it, but they are still learning about things. So that shows they do not know everything. pyschics are everyday people who work and pay taxes just like everyone else. However, there are fakes out there that just want to get money. Those are called con-men, not psychics.

  8. The people who call themselves psychics are actually performers.

    I can not tell you for certain if there is such a thing as psychics or not, just that the people you see on tv, and at the county fair are not.

    See, psychics use a classic trick called cold reading. In cold reading you convince people to reveal facts about themselves, and then you restate those facts as if you came up with them from psychic intuition. People usually think you are real, and then you can tell them what they want to hear about thier future. They then pay you generously for your efforts.

    For the most part, psychics are fake as a 3 dollar bill, but since psychic abilities have not been proven, they have also not been disproven.

    Although lack of disproof probably can be taken as proof that it doesnt exist. Try to prove that the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesnt exist.

  9. I think you are correct in stating that "if you know the science" it can be validated.

    However, people first have to WANT to study the science and have the capability to comprehend abstract ideas -- such as if it can't be proven "physical" then the opposite must be true and it is then "non-physical".

    Many people could actually learn the "tricks of the trade" if they merely were open to the thought. There is a risk, however, when people get ahead of themselves and want to take on beings they are not capable of dealing with appropriately.

    Another thing to consider is that every 'sensitive' or *psychic* has different abilities each with strengths and weakness...meaning they can't all do the same things the same exact way; it works differently for every "user".

    Myself, I am mainly clairaudient (psychic hearing) but I can see things with the naked eye also clairvoyantly (psychic seeing). By the way, I'm also working on my PhD in Metaphysical Science.

    I use my abilities in conjunction with actual physical manifesting signs -- such as the hair standing up on my arms/legs/body; all non-physical beings are electromagnetic energy...kind of like when you rub a balloon on your hair and you can "feel" the static from it...pretty much the same concept.

    I also take a lot of photographs and have many positive results showing "activity" where I may have pointed out where someone was 'standing' or that somebody else has caught on video when I've indicated being 'touched'.

    Audio is another physical source; I have many EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) clips where I've asked a question and *heard* (psychically) the answer and said it out loud but you can also hear another 'voice' saying pretty much the same thing.

    I've been yelled at; not fun...I don't recommend it.

    There are other things I can do of course but I am diverging off your question...more importantly, rather than wondering if "psychic abilities are real" you have asked the right question are "psychics real".

    Much of this depends on the "realness" of the person in general -- it has nothing to do with "being psychic"; if they're only in it for the money and just tell you what you want to hear or they try to tell you something *scary* in order to get you to pay them money (or in some cases; more money) I would say they are not real.

    I'm not saying that everything is all roses; but the first and foremost priority is to be as reassuring as possible.

    Also comes the question are they really "psychic" or just well learned in metaphysics and being 'told' things?

    There is nothing wrong with a psychic being compensated for their time; the average rate in N. Cal is $60/hr -- anything more than that and I would ask why and consider shopping around.

    I know when I am called to "talk to a spirit" I typically go free of charge -- depending on the location; might need gas money -- my main goal is to help the spirit and if I ask for money then the spirit has no way of knowing if I'm REALLY there to help them and that tends to p**s them off and they won't chat so much.

    I've actually spent my money buying things they didn't want other people to have in order to make them *okay*.

    Hope this helps some.

  10. Look up NOREEN,  on Yahoo search.

  11. There are fake psychics who con people out of money. They should be locked up.

    There are self-deluded psychics who think they have powers and charge people money for "readings". They should be required to demonstrate their psychic powers under controlled conditions, and when they fail they should be persuaded that they have no psychic powers

    Every famous psychic you have ever heard of (John Edwards, Sylvia Browne, Edgar Cayce, etc.) has been caught cheating or shown to be wrong in most of thier predictions. The only predictions they get right are by luck or are obvious.

  12. i heard a plausible theory that psychics are in fact geniuses in recognizing patterns much like sherlock holmes was to solving puzzles. the problem is that these psychics are not fully aware of the real nature of their talent that's why they ascribe it to otherworldly explanations.

  13. I've looked into it myself.I have to say no,they are all fake or delusional.Good luck finding one.

  14. Yes. I accidentally proved it to myself at Magic Mountain, when the guy picked a number out of my head. That got me suspicious, so I stood on the sidelines for awhile, and made my own guesses as to his customers' age and weight. He started repeating MY wrong guesses. Yet I never opened my mouth, and he had no clue that I was on the side throwing him off like that. Can YOU explain that?

  15. It's obviously a matter of opinion. Scientists like to track information and have proof. Well, there is no way to "track" intuitive gifts, but if God felt it was necessary to have to have proof, he/she/it would find a way to bring it to our attention.

  16. Look into remote viewing than.

  17. They're real fake.

  18. h**l, NO!

    Frauds, Frauds, frauds, FRAUDS!!

    If there is anyone with any real power, let them claim $1million dollars offered by the James Randi Educational Foundation. That's the prize offered for anyone that can bring a genuine predermined psychic power or event into a lab and have it examined!

    No winners so far!

    As far as I'm concerned, they can put up or shut up.

  19. there are 2 kinds of psychics:

    -people that think they have psychic powers, they are simply deluded by themselves

    -people that try to deceive someone else, this category is filled with criminals.

    psychic powers does NOT exists.

  20. I think some psychics are learning disabled people who have genius abilities they are incapable of understanding.  There have been people in my past who said they thought I was a psychic or a seer, and I know I am NOT one at all, because they are not real.  What I do is know things by recognizing or understanding something without realizing how I do it.  

    If someone tells you they are psychic, they are lying, or they are delusional.

  21. yup. they sure are. if they werent then how does sylvia brown solve things? and after ppl look into it, they c its real.

  22. Yes psychics are real! There are a lot of fakers around but there are truly real psychics!

  23. There's lots of answers to this question, and they're all the same.

    No, of course psychics aren't real.

    There is no evidence whatsoever that anyone can predict the future.  Not even a little.  Absolutely none.


  24. HI,

           Yes, but they are few who really have this ability.

           And I'm not talking about those phoney Psychic Hot Lines

           That are shown on TV. Those that have this ability are

            using a part of their brains that normal people, if you want

            the term, are'nt.  EDGAR CAYCE once said that all of us

            have this power within us, it's just a matter of tapping

            into or developing them. And yes, it is a "SCIENCE"of

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