
Are psychics true? if so , can they predict the lotto results?

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Are psychics true? if so , can they predict the lotto results?




  1. No and no

  2. I predict that the first psychic able to predict the lottery results will do so by buying nothing but winning tickets.  So far, no "psychic" has won the lottery, but a lot of them have sold books telling everyone else how to win.  Apparently, though, the books are being purchased by people who can't read, because the lottery winnings aren't being split 200,000 ways.

    The only truth that "psychics" can predict is that the wallets of their "clients" will be much thinner tomorrow than today.

  3. Yes,most lottery winners are psychics.It's a vast paranormal conspiracy.If it ever gets out.The rest of us will refuse to play.

  4. Statistically speaking we have to have psychics winning the jackpot significantly more often than the general population to conclude  that they can predict lotto results.

    In my knowledge that is not the case (if it is let me know) soo I'd say "NO" for now.

  5. i don't think

  6. If you want to get rich, get a job or go to business school. Spirituality is about personal growth, not money grubbing. Anyone who wants to use psychic powers to get rich doesn't understand psychic powers. As for the charlatans who charge people for psychic readings, so what? There's quack doctors and crackpot scientists out there scamming people out of their money with quack medicine and quack science...does that prove that medicine and science "don't work?"

  7. I don't think so. If they did exist, I wish they would stop goofing around and start showing some hard evidence. I tend to think they don't exist for several reasons, one being that they've had plenty of chance to do just this and the results are less than impressive.

  8. If a psychic did exist and could produce winning lotto numbers, I imagine he wouldnt care to come forward. Afterall he or she could have hundreds of millions of dollars. Who would care about Randi's Million dollar challenge? Who would care about frauds like Sylvia Browne giving psychics a bad name?

    I think what you would have to look for is people who have won the lottery more than once in thier lives (not 3 or 4 numbers, i mean the whole thing). Those would either be true psychics, or the luckiest people alive.

  9. If i had psychic or clairvoyant abilities. i would be too busy with other subjects to worry about something as petty as the lottery.

    Its a gamble anyways, i'm sure psychics like to have fun too.

  10. I think prediction is beyond normal psychic ability, psychics "see" snatches of things related to a person or events and have to put them together to have any relevance. I guess if a psychic meets a future lottery winner they might perceive the person as "gaining wealth or easing financial burden" but wouldn't actually see how it happened - nor could they see the numbers the person picked.

    Some normal people I know just use the coincidence method - if they see a certain number or combination of numbers throughout the day they will play those numbers in a pick three or pick four - every once in a while they get lucky.

  11. Better to ask if they can predict anything more accurately than the average bloke in the street having a good guess can.

  12. According to some evidence yes psychic abilities are true.

    Skeptics still (and I suspect always will) continue to question the results based on flaws (that have already been taken into account by evaluations that still produce positive results) and not meeting their standards of "extraordinary evidence" never quite spelled out before an experiment.

    Yes. psychics can predict lottery numbers (so can everyone else). Even if we assume for the moment that the Ganzfeld is completely accurate in it's 33% (chance is 25%) overall hit rate the test is still for ESP via clairvoyance or telepathy, not precognition.

    So, futher assuming that one type of psychic ability can provide evidence for another type (an incorrect assumption). Then on average someone in the Ganzfeld could at best predict lottery numbers 33% of the time. Of course they would have to play every drawing until the game ended for statistical analysis to be done to see if they won 33% of the time. Of course you also assume in this example (again incorrectly) that all numbers can be seen without error.

    Also, most procedures like Ganzfeld and Remote Viewing have established that visual heavy stimuli (like pictures) work best (numbers and letters are not visual heavy) so again this would have to be a consideration.

    Below is a link explaining how remote viewing (a psychic ability) is not a claim for reading the future and explains the details of why numbers are difficult.

    The more you know...


  13. You know... have you ever wondered why we never see the headline "Psychic wins lotto"? It's crossed my mind a few times and I was at one point led to believe that they didn't exist because if they can't predict lotto numbers, or win lotto themselves - then they were fake. I know that this is such a bias thought that skeptical people will favor it, while to those who are believers in Parapsychology will be offended by it (and hence give me a thumbs down).  HOWEVER - consider this, psychics don't necessarily have to put their minds toward lotto results as gambling money is not exactly something that leads to happiness - and it’s true! If you had all the money in the world, you wouldn't have true happiness (ever heard that money can't buy happiness?).

    I think the reason why psychics don’t generally go around “Giving out Lotto results” or “trying to win lotto” themselves is because they don’t quite have the greed in them to do such a thing, nor would they want to involve themselves with making another person “filthy rich” (I use the term “filthy” in this context as gambling IS a filthy habit). Of course, this is in reference to real psychics as those who charge large amounts of money for readings are (in my opinion) a bit questionable and suspicious – then again, some need some kind of profit or job for a living, don’t they? (This kind of is contradicting though – as you may ask, “Why don’t they play lotto themselves and become rich?” – who knows, maybe they do but never admit it to avoid public attention).

  14. YES!

  15. I am not so good with numbers unless they are given to me at a specific time. Guess it is not in my chart to win the lottery via the pre-cognitive route,lol.

    However if you would like a reading I will do it once last time. IM me.

  16. nope!!!!  they are all shysters!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I believe that people are gifted, but they if they truly have an gift they are not supposed to use it for profit.

    Most psychics are not real & prey on peoples vunerablity.

  18. psychics are true.. however rather few can predict lotto results.. besides, thats not what their powers are for..

  19. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't quite work that way. I don't know everything, I'm simply a channel. I call myself gifted, but the truth is, I don't do this alone, I get what I get through my spirit guides and guardian angels.

    If that helps answer your question any...

    Ohhh, I have to say that my psychic friends and I all agree that it's just wrong to charge people money for what see as something God gave us. I don't like Sylvia Browne. I think she's a fake. Would I like to be able to make money out of something I happen to be good at? Yes, but I could never. It's just wrong. I wasn't given these gifts to be greedy, and most of my friends think exactly that way. It's a matter of morality, not whether or not it means we're "real".

  20. I think that psychic abilities come from spirits. These spirits probably have certain goals in mind when they give out information. Maybe they have been told that they're not allowed to give out lottery numbers. I also think they don't go along with giving "proof" to non believers. For one thing..maybe they don't think it would be good or safe for EVERYBODY to be psychic. I don't understand why they allow true psychics to use their abilities for making large profits. I do understand that they have to charge sometimes as a way of surviving. I think they should have a job and not use their ability even for that. It can really get out of hand. Many people who need help don't have the resources to pay for it. If I had that ability I would give help freely. Most people would probably give you "gifts" of some kind in appreciation anyway. Psychics have been given these "gifts" freely..They should pass on their "gifts" freely. If there are travel expenses etc. ..the one they're trying to help should pay for that. I think many people have psychic abilities and don't even know it. I think if the people who want "answers" or "help" would become more " in tune" with spiritual  things..they wouldn't need psychics. Maybe some day that's how it will be. Maybe by that time we'll be able to know how to handle it and use it for good.But, the problem is..there are always going to be people who use it for evil.

  21. If they were, they already would have.

  22. It would be easy enough for psychics to put the matter to a test and establish once and for all whether it can be done by any given individual, or group of individuals.

    Nobody's been interested enough to do it yet.

    Here's a database offering some safeguards with a broad statistical potential:

    Every day most states sponsor a form of gambling that used to be called 'the numbers racket' when it was done by private enterprise. One of the games is called Pick 3. Some states do them twice a day, some only once.

    The odds are one in 56 of any two of three numbers picked hitting in order.

    The draws are held under high-security, tightly controlled conditions, the results for all the nationwide draws are immediately available to anyone.  The draw history databases for each are maintained also for a great while.

    Testing with those controls and security mechanisms as a tool and the costs of maintaining the database paid by someone else isn't easy to come by.  I'm surprised nobody's used it yet.

    Edit:  [My opinion is] If actual 'psychics' aren't able to predict results successfully under those controlled conditions it's because they aren't 'listening' for the right input data.  

    My thought is there's a lot more involved in the difficulties humans have in their attempts to generate random numbers for any reason, including scientific, than is currently suspected.

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