
Are psycics' predictions real/true?

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how do you know if they're real?




  1. a true prophet will have the ability to prevent the very thing they see.isnt that part and parcel?

  2. The only true psychic/ prophet to my knowledge was Edgar Cayce. I never believed in psychics until I saw the video The Other Nostradamus. Watch it on youtube. If you really want to know the truth about psychics, watch that video. I was blown away by how specific and dead on his predictions were. He made 14,000 predictions and has NEVER been wrong.

  3. Psychics act as channels and have to trust what they are given without question.

    When a true Psychic offers information it cannot be put down to a generalization - there must be something withing the information that strikes a true chord with the person they are connecting to.

    Genuine Psychics are not interested in the monetary aspect, they do not delve for information to assist them in telling people what they want to hear, There soul intention is to use their ability to assist others in resolving answers to questions that have meaning to the person on a spiritual level.

  4. I just don't know,, when I watch the psychics that help detectives solve murders, I'm boggled.. I was always taught that God is the only one who knew the future

  5. No they're all frauds.Not one psychic as ever told me the truth(Especially Sylvia Brown she's a fraud)!

  6. They're not.  No one can "see" the future.  It's a scam to get people's money.

  7. There are real people who can see things when looking at the future, sometimes these images can be of a color, a person, etc.  There are also a lot of fakes who pretend to tell you all about yourself, but only after they've picked up things.  Perhaps you've talked about things with them but whatever the case, these are the ones that have given the field a bad reputation.  I can see things and sometimes it's like I'm looking at a photo or sometimes it's as if I'm looking at a video.  I don't do readings for people, people are a pain in the butt so I choose not to.  I don't believe that people who do actually possess this gift should charge for it, since they didn't have to pay for it in the beginning.  I have only ever met one other Psychic who was genuine and truthful!  There are plenty of fakes trying to get the money.  There isn't any one way to know if their predictions are real, until each one comes to pass.  If you're told that you will get a promotion then it may be a day or several years before it happens.  It could be that you find another job that just pays better.  If the person who is doing a reading for you asks a lot of questions then I'd get up and leave because if they are so good with the gift then why so many questions?

  8. not at all. they are usually extremly vague, so much so that it could be anything. a lot of the most followed and believed psychics have been debunked by a man, but i cant remember his name. he's very famous though. slyvia brown has been wrong so many times and preys on the families with kidnapped and murdered family members for money. there really isnt any psychics that are reliable.

  9. Go to, check out his Million Dollar Challenge.

  10. That is a tricky question. Most of the predictions made by psychics are so general that they can be interpreted in a ton of ways which means most people who believe will find a way to see those predictions as true. However, the psychics have no power, they cannot see the future, and are all either frauds or diluted.

  11. I did an experiment once. I went to a psychic fair and had different readings done. These were all taped. About 6 months to 1 year later, I listened to each of them, and overall, most of the information was wrong. The few things that were right were just lucky guesses in my opinion. They have a way of learning how to 'read' people, like, how you dress, do you wear wedding rings, are you dressed like a person who has money. I believe that psychics are possessed by evil spirits, they may not even know that because evil spirits are of satan and very tricky and deceitful. They can act and sound so nice, all they want is your soul.

  12. None of them are real.

  13. Great question. Psychics are like everybody else. Some are sweet & kind. Some are evil. Some are very skilled and some are useless. From my experience you ought to only go see a psychic if you need to. The most amazing psychics I have ever met have also been very down to earth and funny. Good psychics usually have a great sense of humour. Serious psychics ought to be avoided.

  14. Psychics usually give very vague predictions that can be interpreted in several different ways. No matter what happens, a psychic will claim that it is what they predicted.

  15. 99.9% of them are phonies. All they want is your money. They learn certain 'tricks of the trade'. They know what to watch for in a person and what to ask and you wont catch on. I did an experiment one time. I went to a bunch of psychics, had readings done, they were on cassette tapes at that time. I waited about 6 months or a year, then checked them to see how much of it came true, Very little came true and the other stuff the average person would forget all about it anyway. People tend to only remember what DOES come true, which is very little, but forget about all the other stuff they say that DON'T come true.

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