
Are public school districts legally allowed to host events in community churches?

by Guest21344  |  earlier

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I know that given certain circumstances, public schools are allowed to rent out space to religious groups, organizations and churches (as well as non-religious groups and organizations) whenever classes are not in session.

However, my question concerns the legality of a public school district to host an event, for employees or students, at one of the community's churches. Feel free to add additional, related insight.




  1. I can't imagine why it wouldn't be legal.  Certainly, as long as they aren't endorsing or prosletyzing for the church in question.   Just as a school is just another building, when school is not in session, a church is just a building in between services.

  2. Well, we generally have a gathering at the church after Friday night football games.  I really don't think that is a school related function though.  I really don't know.

  3. Sometimes people get irritated and question it, but for the most part, as long as there's not a religious service going on at the time, it's fine. In my town in particular, the church is the biggest place to actually hold a function anywhere nearby, so we use it.

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