
Are public schools better than boarding schools?

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Do boarding schools ruin family relationships?




  1. It doesn't matter which school a child goes to just as long as the child is able to learn and grow.  I personally feel that boarding schools do teach independence more than public schools.  A child who attends a boarding school learns that when they are older this is what their life will be which is to be independent and not relying on parents.  I don't think that is the purpose of a boarding school is to ruin family relationships.  It is to teach children to be as independent as possible and to be able to solve problems by themselves.  It also teaches them to be part of society and have relationships with everyone, not just family and friends.

  2. ANYTHING is better than public schools

  3. If you have a good family relationship, a boarding school won't hurt it. If you have a bad family relationship, a boarding school won't help it.

  4. I think you should be very carefull with sending a child to a school like that.

    The child has to want it.

    If not, if it is a kind of punishment, only for a very short time. Max a year.

    If the child wants to, i would also be carefull with more than a year.

    But it all depends on many things.

    If the child is a genius who needs exstra good schooling, or oppesite...

  5. Personally, I feel like in addition to an academic education, public school provides something else that nothing else can:  a SOCIAL education.  

    Boarding school, homeschool, and private school all take away the important phase of life that is learning how to deal with people.  At boarding school, everyone is basically conformed into one.  Homeschool you get no interaction with other students, and at private school, everyone is typically of the same religion and background.

    Going to public school for a few years gives you the opportunity to meet people of all ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, and income brackets.  That when when you leave school, you aren't shocked out of your mind the first time you see a real-live Jew, or a poor kid.

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