
Are public swimming pools clean & safe?

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I know they are basically used by all kinds of people who donot use water to clean themselves even after they go to pee or poohs .. Imagine they just clean themselves with paper and come and dive in straight into the water (swiiming pool). Any insights into this?




  1. it is clean and safe the chlorine keeps it safe

  2. no the chlorine kinda kills it but its not 100% clean;...

  3. The chlorine levels at public pools required by health departments is anywhere from 10 - 20 times higher than actually necessary in say, a private home pool. So the thing that is most likely to make you sick in a public pool . . . is thinking about what people don't do before jumping in, or what they do after they jump in.

  4. Just ensure you wear a tight-fitting pair of swimming goggles as there is a high amount of chlorine, some dirt and urine in the water. I would suggest an hour of serious swim, covering as many complete laps as possible, for physical fitness purposes. Playing at the pool or just standing around watching others, for whatever reasons, is a pure waste of time, unless there are wave pools, water slides, etc.   If you are a beginner, swim at waist-high or shallower pools--at least if you slip and fall, you dont swallow too much of the 'tasty' water!!(yuck!!) Best of luck!

  5. it depends on what u think is clean, but their pretty clean cause  of the chlorene                            unless somebody u know, um, like, pooped in it or something

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