
Are puck bunnies more common than bunnies in other sports?

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What about curling?




  1. Bill all sports have some form of bunny s***s that need to die.

  2. Baseball has a lot of ball bunnies.  At least here in the Metropolitain area, everyone's into Derek Jeter and that dude on the Mets.  A lot of people have "Mrs. Jeter" shirts that are pink and sparkly.  Blehh.  Places seriously sell those shirts, so I guess that means they have a big enough ball bunny population that actually buys them.

  3. I don't think so considering hockey is the least popular of the 4 major sports in North America. I think football would probably have the most.

    EDIT: Actually I'm going to go with soccer. You wouldn't believe how many people claim to be Man U fans and then when asked to name a few players they can only say one. And then when they say Renaldo they always follow it up with "he's sooooo hot!"

  4. No.The worst is baseball.Jeter and Arod bunt bunnies are the worst.

  5. Does one have to actually go to the arena to be a bunny or can one sit on the couch at home to be a bunny (of any sport)? I mean, everyone knows that hockey players are the best looking athletes of all, but then one could be biased or mistaken, need new contacts or just be a dumb bunny, a dumb couch puck bunny. How sad. Just a sad little bunny on the couch waiting for the Wild hockey players to appear on the big black screen again.

  6. No. Due to the magnificent effort of the Soviet Gulag Facility for Puck Bunny's, we have greatly reduced the number of those critters that roam around in Hockey.

  7. The first bunnies I ever came across were buckle bunnies, or little tramps that followed rodeos.  Then there's the excessive puck bunnies, base bunnies, basket bunnies, endzone bunnies, etc. etc.

    All in all, I'd say it depends on the season.

  8. In the United States, I don't think so. I think other sports like basketball have more bunnies. Canada probably has more puck bunnies percentage-wise, though, since the sport is so popular there.

  9. I went to school at Lake Superior State University for a year.  It's comical that they're called "bunnies" up there.

  10. While i hate puck bunnies...the sluttiest would have to be the endzone bunnies....they are by far the skankiest...

    Top 5

    1. Endzone Bunnies

    2. Puck Bunnies

    3. Bunt Bunnies

    4. Basket Bunnies

    5. Beckam (sp) Bunnies

  11. I'm sure there are other "bunnies" for other sports! But I just don't think they are as public about there bunnyness.

  12. Never knock the Curling gals...great sense of humour and will drink mere mortals under the table.  

    Unmentioned is the rare North American rugby queen...all hail!

    Given the 'talent' I've seen at the ACC for the one Raptors game I had the misfortune of attending...the basketball 'gals' certainly lack for modesty and any level of subtlety.

  13. I think its safe to say they have the 'Curling" bunnies beat though would be hard pressed to beat the 'Tumble Bunnies' found stalking gymnasts.

  14. Unfortunately there are s***s in every sport.Poor souls with no brains or self esteem.  We can't get away from them

  15. I think there's more in Canada than maybe there are for other sports, but in the States, no.

  16. lol, good question, puck bunnies probably aren't the most common breed...

    Joe: I thought Jeter and Arod were "together"? No? lol

    Lae: Hey! I love Lionel Messi too! He's liek soo0o000 HaWt!!!1!11!

    lol, but seriously, Messi is my fave player. Go Argentina! (for some reason Argentina is my 2nd favorite football country behind Russia).


    Lae: yeah, I was surprised that Russia made it this time into the Euro championship, they usually suck lol.

  17. mike avs- are you kidding?? or do you seriously think lionel messi is hot!!??

    but any way i think hocky bunnies are pretty hot, the fact that elisha cuthbert and paris hilton are included.

    soccer, basketball, baseball or football don't have much female fans to my knowledge.

  18. yup

  19. what about sumo wrestling....nothing attracts me more than a 600 pound guy in a diaper!!

  20. no.

    cristiano ronaldo, lionel messi, david beckham have flocks of bunnies that would crush puck bunny nation.

    so does basketball, and baseball.

    it's more accepted in hockey that there are girls who know nothing about the sport and just go for the players...whereas in soccer if you're a soccer bunny you probably don't want that to be known for that cause someones most likely gonna try and hunt you down...that's why most female soccer fans get the whole "butch" compliments, that and most of them are all in hiding. i think it's probably the same thing with football...all their bunnies are in hiding, but theirs are 100% worse than puck bunnies. they're worse than stupid.

    hey bill you're canadian you can't hate on curling that you mention that i wonder if golf and poker/pool have certified bunnies.

    anyways all the curling chicks are really down to earth, understand the game, like the xes, and drink just like the guys. i would say that they're probably the coolest out of all the bunnies...even winter extreeme sports bunnies aren't that cool, and they're better than puck bunnies.

    lol no way mike. gasp really messi over ronaldo? is it because ronaldo keeps his hair short? yeah i'm a big fan of argentina. gotta support countries under the equator (my home country falls in this category too. go ghana. i know don't bring it up about essien. i hate that he plays for chelski, and i'm a man u fan. fate is always against me). and also euro 2008 coming up. i think team russia has been getting better over the years, but i'm really impressed with team germany...and china...oh and the middle eastern teams too and the dutch nation..too bad celtic and rangers fans suck.

    oh and to go on what the hockey gal stars fan is saying, since we get espn feed here, and they show a lot of rodeo, i have to say that "sport" lmao has soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many bunnies. and they're bad. really really bad. i think it helps that i don't really get that rodeo is a sport, but there is some breeding that goes on at those events....lots and lots of in breeding.

    joe did you hear the thing about jiambi wearing a gold thong for good luck? and then jeter, and someone else i forget confirmed that they also don the banana hammock. the best thing i heard tonight was chien-ming wang (yankees pitcher) doesn't wear a thong from a sports commentator here. it was so funny.

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