
Are quarter auctions legal?

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I went to the local high school where there is a group of ladies who sell different products such and Tupperware, Home Interiors, Pamper Chef etc. They bring items in to auction off for a quarter or 2 quarter bid. When come in you have to "donate" $2 for a paddle with a number on it. Your paddle has a matching chip that is placed in a bucket. When an item is up for bid, everyone who is interested gives a quarter. After everyone bids their quarter, one number is pulled. If it is your number and you bid on that item you win. Is this type of thing legal? Some girls I know want to try it but are not sure about what you can and can't do. Split the pot? Auction? etc?





  2. Every state is different in what is considered gambling (I'm assuming that's what your concern is).  Sometimes things like this are ok if they are for a charity or non-profit org such as a school or girl scout troop or something.  You could check the laws in your state or call your county courthouse or something to find out exactly.

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