
Are quarter horses heavy horses? PLZ answers??!!!?

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are QH heavy horses

and if so what diciplines can they do i mean all diciplines every single one

because i want to do English and western

i just want to make sure they can jump




  1. They are heavily muscled and a stocky breed on average.  They can do pretty much any discipline expect for saddleseat or anything gaited.  I know some quarters that each have competed successfully in English pleasure western, and jumping.  

  2. For the most part QH are stocky (heavy) but they can still jump. They can do just about everything, they even used to race. If you're looking for a more athletic type QH maybe try an Appendix QH (tb qh cross).

  3. they're not. geeze go read any horse book and most split it up, ponies, light horses, heavy horses. and btw, heavy horses CAN do english and western. you dont have to look that up.

    btw i'm more laughing at some of the answers then this question. just for the record.

    edit: my appendix (tb/qh) jumped, he loved it, he cleared a 6 ft fence once by him self. . . then again he broke loose and ditched me after some dogs chased us into a hot wire of an electric fence... but he cleared a few field fences that day.

  4. Ohhhhhhh little one!  QHs vary in body types.  The Running QH looks more like a muscular TB, I owned one that carried my tush over 6' in the 1970's and made sure I didn't fall off when we landed.  I did both Huntseat, dressage and western without a problem.

    As a matter of fact he helped raise my orphan TB colt and show him what a good horse did.  Matter of fact, the TB was quieter than the QH!  LOL

  5. QH are not heavy horses. They can jump.

  6. Not heavy - pursay.  They are a heavier built horse a lot of times, as in "More Muscular", but not actual weight wise.   They can make excellent jumpers.

  7. some of them are just big boned but in general they are not big horses.

  8. quarter horses can do anything. they have a lot of different builds just find one with longer legs and a more slinder build than say one that is going to have more cutting horse in it. but yes quarter horses can do it all.  

  9. No quarter horses aren't heavy horses.

    Quarter horses are really versatile and can do pretty much any discipline, you just gotta make sure they are trained in that discipline. Quarter horses can be great jumpers if they are trained to jump.  

  10. No, when someone refers to heavy horses, they are referring to the colder blooded, rounder boned work horses such as Belgians, Percherons, Clydesdales, etc.  Percheron crosses, however make pretty good hunter/jumpers.

  11. no they are not.

    they can jump. they can do every discipline.. except saddlseat (that i know of)

    they can do hunt and western and can jump. especially appendix QH

  12. No they are not heavy horses.

    All horse's can jump it's just the heavier type can't jump so high. My big cousin is away with her clydesdales just now and they can jump 5ft with ease, mind you they are 19.2hh LOL!

    But yea quarter horses are great allrounders here's some pics.

    Qaurter horse Jumping:

    Quarter horse Dressage:

    Normal Quarter horse:

    Heavy horses Jumping:

    Heavy horse dressage:

    Normal Heavy horse:

    **Hope I could help!**

  13. Quarter horses can do any western discipline but maybey one metter than the other depending on the hrose and they can also do jumping they just wont be as good as alot of TBs are

  14. Wow if you don't even know that then you arent't ready to own one. Read up on the breed before you get unless you want it all to end horribly.

  15. Nope!

  16. No, quarter horses are not heavy horses- a heavy horse would be a percheron for example.

    quarter horses are pretty versatile horses and with right training could jump and do western pleasure.

    In my opinion, breed doesn't really matter.. any willing horse with the right training can pretty much do (almost) anything. Certain breeds are simply BETTER for a certain discipline.

    Its not really the breed, its that individual horse, its willingness and its training;)

  17. Quarter horses are not heavy horses. They are riding horses.

    Yes Quarter horses can jump.  

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