
Are questions about Kyle Busch forbidden?

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I keep seeing questions about him disappear for some unknown reason.




  1. betcha if I were asking questions like those about Jr., they'd get deleted, too..

  2. people don't like the questions and report them.

  3. Well, I've seen the question, "Are you happy that Scrub went into the wall?" get deleted. I'm not the person reporting, but I don't think that is right. It's kind of immature and sick to be happy that someone wrecks.

  4. Yeah, Lynn whats up with that, I was ready to answer the one about the Shrub in the wall and dang it was gone.. Can't we all just have fun with this...geez people its not the end of the world..Its just  Jr Nation and the Shrubery have some fun..Did anyone notice that the Navy #88 was right there with the Shrub tonight...I think Kyle doesn't like that number for some reason, I bet he has night mares about #88 in his deepest wildest

    Go dale Jr & Hms

  5. Ok guys and gals, lets get along. If not Im going to start posting you tube videos of roof camera footage on here. Have a nice evening Lynn.  LOL!

  6. Kyle Busch questions are too psychotic for the unrated public.

  7. I don't care for his immaturity, or his driving style either, but seriously, when the subject line says yer happy about a crash, ANY crash, are you really surprised it was deleted?

    He's not gonna win over any friends tonight.

    The replay shows that he went UP into the car next to him, yet he blamed the other guy, who was trying to stay up high, out of his way?

  8. Sounds like a troll infestation

  9. Apparently so and hopefully YA investigates the person who keeps reporting people for asking questions about Kyle Busch because I didn't see anything wrong with The President Of JR Nation's question and it got deleted. Just like Kyle Busch this person needs to GROW UP!!

  10. Ive asked two questions, and both were deleted.  I guess Jr Hation is out full force tonight.....See below...

    Edit: Thank you bobbi, and I nominate you for the best answer award!!  Go Jr!

  11. wtf!?!?!

    u know that... u just asked a question about him now u will see if they r forbidden

  12. don't really care one way or the other about the SHRUB. They can be deleted all night.

  13. Winter Glory there were many questions celebrating Jr's wreck last weekend. I didn't see any deleted.

  14. Actually winter glory, the questions about Jr hitting the wall at Richmond are still there. A lot of Jr bashing questions are still around. Now all of a sudden Kyle screws up and questions about it are deleted. And everyone whines about Jr Nation being thin skinned.

  15. they will tell you the reason.i love watching crashes personally.look for them on you tube.

  16. A certain mass of people report them and they get deleted.

    This does nothing but make the "fan" reporting the questions look inmature.

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