
Are " rare albino alligators" really that rare?

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Or is it that rare for someone to give one up that they raised so long? I love reptiles and I have seen many rare reptiles bread to be that way. Albino seems to be a very common among many.




  1. An Albino can be easily bred, but in the wild a baby Albino would just be easy pickins.

  2. yes the larger of reptiles that are albino are very uncommon to come across. People call them very rare. Some of them really are! Such as a albino nile monitor, if you go to, they have a albino nile monitor, that is priced at 25,000. I think its crazy.  

  3. Once you've got a certain population of captive albinos that aren't related the rarity level drops considerably, but as of right now, yes, albino alligators are pretty rare, but not as rare as leucistic. You can buy an albino if you have enough money, but as of right now, all the leucistic alligators in the world belong to the St. Augustine Alligator Farm... you can lease them with the proper paperwork and enough money, but can't buy one...

  4. It is not comon that they survive in the wild.  The babies are too easy for preditors to spot.

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