
Are "Ghosts"(General) real. To the point they interfere with our lives?

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Now I'm still young about the world but I have enough logic to think about stuff scientifically and try to coem up with an explanation. But ghosts... they are another thing, I freak out before I even get the chance to try to prove/disprove it. SOme say that these are only things made up by your mind. Those eerie feelings that you feel, those feelings your being watched. I would personally try to investigate but then... if I see a real ghosts... well... X_X! Cause I hear knocking noises late at night... sounds like a hammer being driven to the wall... omg am I scared... someone pls answer in your best way... dont know if this is a debatable topic but someone who convinces me get's best answer




  1. I can't say for sure that there is ghosts out there but I can say there is paranormal happenings all around us. Paranormal means beyond the normal/unknown  there are alot of things people hear or see everyday that they can't explain. Is it a ghost or is there a sceintific reason who knows. There might be ghost/spirits out there when someone hears/see's something that they can't find a scentific reason for some consider this to be  ghost/spirit activity. Alot of people will have different thoughts on are ghost real but most will also agree that there are paranormal happenings.

  2. I'd say that some are real and some we make up without meaning to. As for the hammer it could be the house's foundation settleing or it could be a ghost. just do the salt cleansing and call it a night. If it continues call/ have your parents call a contractor and have him take a look at the foundation.  


  3. They arent really ghosts, they are actually souls sent from the demon in h**l. If you go to h**l and do something (I dont know what u do 2 make the devil mad...) 2 upet Satin, he will send u back 2 Earth and frce u 2 live 1 eternity in the Earths h**l. At least, thats my theory..

  4. i know you might no beleive me but this is my best answer....there is no such thing as ghosts but there are demons who want to hurt can control them if you have jesus in your life...if he isn't you go to h**l... i know it sounds harsh but he is the way the truth the life...everytime a person goes down to h**l he grieves for the longest time....demons are down there and they will hurt you...

  5. Hi, I am of the opinion that there is More then enough circumstantial evidence that supports the existence of Ghost and other phenomena. Loud bangs are long known to be some one from the other side trying to get our attention for what ever reason and houses do make noises normally because of temperature changes but distinct loud rhythmic bangs are not normal. So unless someone is doing it intentionally then you are being visited.

  6. Well, I've never seen any ghosts and I'm pretty old.  I even went on a ghost tour once and still didn't see any ghosts although I paid to see at least one!!!  To be honest, I really don't think there are ghosts.  Even the people that say they have seen them have it has eventually been proven that either the house was just settling (very common) or a small animal was in the house, attic, whatever.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it if I were you.   Try watching comedies to get your mind off of scary things.

  7. being a christian i dont call them ghost, i call them lost souls that are trapped and wondering around because they dont know what happen to them or they are demons in forms of ghost trying to get to ppl to frighten them into doing the wrong things to where they get seriously hurt

  8. Read some books written by Sylvia Brown then you will know.....they are very real.

  9. Spend a nite in a haunted hotel and you be the judge, there are several around the country shouldnt be hard to find.

  10. Ascribing non understood phenomena to the supernatural is an alluring "quick fix".  

         But if you look around you at all the modern miracles (your computer for example);  you'll find that they were conjured up not by sorcerers or ghosts, but by some rather sedate people plugging away at science...

         Please go to the library and pick up a book called:

    "The Demon Haunted World--Science as a Candle in the Dark" by the late Carl Sagan. I think it will put your mind at ease.  Good luck with your journey!

  11. no

  12. My sister lived in New Zealand as a child, and had a poltergeist when she was younger (5 y/o)- his name was charlie and he was a young boy - my mum said he wouldnt let my sister sleep and would throw her toys around the room and pull her covers off at bed well as other activity around the house sister was sometimes scared and sometimes not, but eventually it got so bad that a priest had to come in to pray and light a candle for 3 days and nights, afterwards the ghost left, to this day 30 years later my sister still remembers clearly mum has seen many ghosts and experienced lots of things when she was groing up in the far east too .....ive seen stuff too wooooohooooooooooo

  13. Hi..

    I actually "hunt" ghosts. Ghosts are real, despite what theologians and realists think. They are a part of our world whether we like it or not.

    One thing I tell people about ghosts are that they are NOTHING to be afraid of whatsoever. And ghosts are not made up by your mind-many people have caught them on tape and by camera, including me.

    Email me regarding this issue. I might be able to help you.

    Thanks, Heather

  14. This answer may seem like B.S., but work with me here a second. Do you have trouble with your life because of what you fear is a ghost? When the morning comes, are you more tired than you would have been if you were sure nothing was there? It sounds like you are, and that means the ghost is as real as it needs to be, and it is definitely interfering with your life.

    Look, people (including me) often spend months or years of their lives pondering the question about whether these "things" are real. You might as well as if Jesus is real or if it's true that life evolved from non-living things. All of these questions can be answered by arguments relying on evidence of one type or another, but in the end it's all down to belief. Any more time spent on it than that is time wasted.

    So bud, do you believe it's a ghost? Of course you do. You may not be SURE it's a ghost, but you believe it enough to lose sleep over it. So quit pondering whether or not the thing is real and deal with it as if it were real. Even the rational part of your mind can appreciate that if the thing doesn't exist, there's no harm in humoring your ghost-believing side.

    The question then is what the heck do you do with a wall-banging ghost? Good question. I'm a scientist and a rational person, and I've never seen a ghost, but they have scared the c**p out of me plenty, and for good reason. But what I came to discover at the end of the journey was that whatever "they" are, they can't hurt you any more than you let them. (A really rare exception would be - if you even believe this - an entity like a ghost that is the projection of the mind of a LIVING person intentionally out to do you harm, but what are the odds of that?) You can't just turn off your fear, but you can decide how to respond to it. A previous answer above gave great advice for how to deal with it - acknowledge it (even outloud - say "I heard you, and I know there's a ghost in my house, and I don't want you here"), communicate if you are calm enough, and then either way tell it to leave. It has to. Stay firm, and it will go. Now, on the off-chance it comes back, what do you care? You will prove to yourself more and more that you can deal with it and that it won't hurt you.

    And when you believe that, it can't hurt you. Then it won't matter whether or not it's real. And that's something your rational and superstitious sides can agree is a good thing.

  15. Okay. some thing I need to put out here first:

    1. Ghosts are real. 2. They are not necessarily bad. 3. All houses make noises and I'm not sure why but there is a reason for it.

    Yes, ghosts exist. I guess you could say that... the problem is, where do you draw the line between a spirit/entity and a ghost? If a dead relative watches over you and protects you, are they a ghost? Do they have to be vengeful? In reality the many types of things out there that can be called ghosts are so unique and varied that no one can be sure just how many kinds there are (though I have high hopes for the future).

    Now, some ghosts may be angry but not all. I was once able to talk to a pair of dead beings who were trapped on Earth with us due to a problem with their lower energies (I can't explain this in detail right now). They were both very friendly and polite.  However, a spirit's reason for being stuck on earth can be extremely varied. They may range from simply not wanting to leave to being trapped by negative energies at the time of death. As a result, while some ghosts are harmless, there are some that are but husks of their former selves and mindlessly want to harm you because they hunger for violence or fear. Depending on the strength of this feeling and their level of awareness, a ghost may or may not be able and willing to interfere with your life by actually having a physical effect on the world. Most negative ghosts may manifest their presence simply through bad feelings, coldness, or mental communication (which may not seem like communication at all- i.e. images of dead people appear in your mind). However, quite honestly you have little to fear from a ghost. You may even find it in yourself to aid them, or if it is not really aware and is just an effect left from someone who is already gone you may just disperse it.

    As for the noises, if they are soft but semi-frequent they are probably just those "house noises" that all house make. If they are really loud to the point were it could not be the continual creaking of a house, then you may want to consider that it could be some being (not necessarily a ghost, though).

    Realize that whatever it is, chances are it can't do much more than bang on the wall. Keeping your wits about you and remaining calm will just about guarantee your safety. If you are afraid, it will give the entity power because fearing what it can do is like accepting that it can do anything.

    If you are sure there is a being in your house, then when you next hear the knocking you should relax and remain open to communication (realize that it may send you thoughts or even words that go straight to your mind). Only by being ready to receive communication in whatever form it takes will this work. Then send out a mental message (though it can be out loud and may even boost your confidence that way) asking who it is and why it is there. It should not be nasty or intimidating but you should be confident in your authority to get a decent explanation as to what this thing is doing in your house. If it does not answer, ask it to leave. If it does not, tell it to leave and if it still stays, command it to leave at once. By then it should have left.

    If you can communicate with it, do what you can to help it by pointing it in the right direction for whatever it needs or simply by listening, then asking it to go. If you can talk to it and get a polite conversation started it will be much more likely that it will leave on request.

    Sorry about the length of this answer... I guess I got carried away. Hope you learned something from it all, anyway.

  16. I would never argue that ghosts are or are not real.

    I do know that in the known history of humans there are more dead people than alive and if they were going to make a difference (as in doing good and bad deeds) they would have done them by now.

    I know more evil has been performed by the living than dead and would prefer to take on a ghost than a live axe murderer any day.

  17. yeah go to my last question i've had experiences with ghosts... it scares you unless you expect it.

  18. what's you hear, is one of 6 poltergeist

    to be honest, i think that not a bad ghost but maybe the owner of your place.

    i give you one solution, if you hear the knocking sound again, you must knocking too. After knocking maybe the ghost will come to you and want to know why you knocking.

    If you see the ghost, don't be afraid but you have a smiling face.

    That's my solution but you can try or ignore it.

    note: email me what happened after that in

  19. Ghosts do not exist,a house might make noises because of many reasons,1)shrinking,and expansion of floor boards as temperature changes,2) settling,3)furnace in the basement,4)water heater kicking on and off,5)a bird in the chimney,or attic,and so on....anything beyond that is just your imagination.

  20. Ghosts, demons, aliens, and any other topic you may find under "paranormal" are considered "paranormal" for one HUGE reason: THEY CAN NOT BE PROVEN TO BE TRUE!!!

    No one on this entire planet in the HISTORY of mankind has been able to provide undenyable proof of such paranormal beings (including God), and when it comes down to it, that means that LOGICALLY the statistical probability of them actually being real is practically ZERO.

    BUT, there is little doubt that those who have experienced things that they can not explain usually attribute them to one of these fantasy categories of phenominon, so there is certainly something to it.

    SCIENCE has pretty satisfactionally explained the purpose such phenomenon fulfill to human nature, and most of them fall into the category of psychological abnormalities or simply physiological attributes that skew normal experience.

    SO, while the EXPERIENCES attributed to such phenomenon are certainly real, and may certainly be attributed to these categories of "beings," it is likely just our way as humans to explain psychological and physiological phenomenon that eludes explination at the time we experience it. That doesn't mean that the one who experiences it doesn't firmly believe in what they experienced, it just means that we attribute a sort of fantasy explination to such an event because that is the only way we have come up with to explain it, and as human beings we feel compelled to have a rational explination for everything.

    So, while there are certainly experiences that human science has yet to adequately study, categorize, and explain, the existance of ghosts, demons, aliens, etc. the way they are defined in our folklore is statistically impossible.

  21. Your emotions can create...Turn around your fear into  understanding (maybe one day you or me will be a ghost too:-), then everything will be all right.

    Some more good advice: stop using any "mood enhancers", and distant yourself from experiences that trigger negative emotions in you (including horror/action movies, religions threatening you with going to h**l, etc

  22. I do not try to co9nvince others that ghosts are real. I have seen a couple and even talked to them and have documented paranormal activety that I believe to be ghosts.

    As a paranormal invesdtigator most people that go on investigations are too eager to believe or too jumpy and get scared at the least little thing. Too many [people are too quick to see ghosts where no evidence exists.

    If you get scared easy I weould not suggest you go on any investigations until you can have an open mind and not be scared, but courious.

    Be leary of things you see on the internet. I do believe some orbs are paranormal, but most orbs on the internetr are merely dust particles or pollen or som eother normal anomoly.

    go to and read their free articles and view their free gallery adn possibly armed with the correct knowledge og ghosts you may  decide you are no longer scared and have the temperment to go on investigastions. I wold suggest you learn the thoeries and methods and protocal of the IGHS and do your own investigaions.

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