
Are "Global Warming Worshippers" Giddy over the first hurricane?

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Where will it hit?

How many will die?

Who to blame?

1. George Bush

2. Big Oil

3. White America

4. Meat Eaters

5. People who have kids

Pick one or all




  1. "The connection between hurricanes and global warming is complicated, and not fully understood."

    this is the kind of quote i love from the AGW proponent first it was "Global Warming will cause MORE hurricanes"...then it was "Global Warming will cause MORE INTENSE Hurricanes"...then, when the last two seasons have been among the most mellow of the last 100 years, and more and more evidence surfaced that hurricanes were more closely related to El Nino and La Nina patterns than any supposed GW, the argument shifts to "It's a complicated and not fully understood relationship"...and yet, changing climate cycles 50 years in the future are COMPLETELY "Understood" by this same crowd...  

    all this on the heels of the director of NOAA saying that there is "No link" between hurricanes and Climate Change...

    i guess when the CC never happens anywhere NEAR as bad as "DOom and Gloomers" project, they'll take credit for that as well, insisting that we stopped climate change by changing our must be nice to be on EVERY side of the argument- that way, you can never really be proven wrong...

    by the way- to answer the question, 2 & 4 are CLEARLY to blame!!! :)

  2. Well, they were certainly disappointed in our mild season last year.

  3. Way to go!!

    *Down with Big Brother*

  4. Absolutely not.  And no one is to blame.

    The connection between hurricanes and global warming is complicated, and not fully understood.

    That doesn't change the fact that the following things ARE understood.  Global temperatures are increasing, and it's mostly due to us, mostly be emitting huge amounts of greenhouse gases.

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  5. Of course they are,  it might mean the deaths of those pesky humans.  And we know that humans cause temperature changes and weather anomalies.  ( Just like that man behind the curtain at Oz. )  Just think, a few less humans to breathe out CO2.  I'm sure Uncle Al won't miss 'em, he'll just ask for higher taxes to take up the slack.  

    I'll go with points 3 and 5 and add to it.  White males who have kids.  The ultimate virus of the Earth.  :cP

  6. I'm not. I was planning to fly out to Myrtle Beach this weekend. I can think of a few people on this forum who will be though. One in particular that likes to post every time some weather event pops up so he can claim another victory for the disciples of gloom and doom.

    I choose all the above.

  7. I blame Nick!!!

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