
Are "baby" only adoptions leading to baby brokering?

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Do you think with so many people desprete to "adopt" just "babies and toddlers", its now contributing to growing number kidnappings, corruption and fraud with some many 3rd world countries at the childrens expense?




  1. Yes.  The demand fuels the corruption and methods of 'supply'

  2. Here's the thing.  Most international adoptions are NOT babies and toddlers.  That's a pretty big misconception about international adoption.  Some country programs may have more infants/toddlers available for adoptions than others, but as a general rule, most international adoptees are preschool to school age, at the time of the adoption.  

    That said, I always advise people considering IA, to know the country program and the statistics well.  If one country only rarely has infants available for adoption, yet an agency says they have a 9 month wait for an infant, that should be a HUGE red flag.

  3. Supply and demand.

    When a product's demand is so high and the supply so low you can bet money people will take advantage in order to make a buck.

  4. Yes - absolutely.

    When there is an obvious need (babies and infants for an ever increasing infertile western world - I'm not dissing any that post here - this is a fact - as people are waiting longer and longer to have children - and therefore their chances of having a bio kid decrease greatly) - those that wish to make money at any cost - will try any way they can to exploit the rights of others - just to make a profit.

    It's a sad world we live in.

  5. What Possum said.

    This will never end as long as there are people who cannot see other people as HUMAN BEINGS and not products because of their age, ethnicity, religion, culture, economic status, s*x, educational level, etc.

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