
Are "boutique" mountain bike brands better?

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0 LIKES UnLike Ellsworth, Turner, Santa Cruz, etc. They always seem lighter than they're corporate counterparts who also make kids bikes, commuter bikes, and tricycles. I hear that big name sponsors will also use rebadged boutique brands.




  1. Not necessarily better, but they concentrate more on the actual needs of their customers, thus boutique brands are much more expensive.......

  2. jimmi c is right. Not always. Boutigue brands concentrate on high end and custom bikes (with limited resources). While the other brands have wide ranging product lines. That doesn't mean a Trek, for example, doesn't put in the time on their high end stuff, they do. Simply because larger brands have a wide product line doesn't mean they're inferior. In fact, these larger brands have more resources devoted to R&D than the boutique brands. The newest innovations usually come from the high end industry leaders. They all offer super high end, state of the art products.

  3. Not necessarily.  They may fulfill a need in a bicycle that large brands don't.  Larger companies try to fill a broader spectrum of riders where smaller companies pool their limited resources into a specific niche.  Sometimes a smaller company will come up with a new improvement and get it to market faster since they aren't as bound by the larger companies bureaucracy.  On the other hand, larger companies are in a better position to chase down new ideas with their greater resources.  Remember that at one time Specialized and Cannondale were boutique brands.  I wouldn't get hung up on brands wether they are boutique brands or big brands.  If a bike works for you ride it.

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