
Are "certified" babysitters more trustworthy than non-certified?

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does that mean we can sue them if anything "bad" happens to the child? i don't mean to be offensive about this- but after seeing all the nightmare "nannies" out there..i am a bit iffy about babysitters and even day care centers..

"18 month old killed by babysitter"

"7 year old drops 10 month old and kills her while babysitter is "too busy" watching 5 other kids"




  1. Trust no-one! check it out if any one person has the capability to go "insane" or even just make a mistake and everyone knows that mistakes do happen then yes it is very likely that ANYTHING can happen when you leave your child in someone elses care! I do not trust that being certified for something means that they will do the job to the best of their capability. I have heard and seen many cases of child neglect from caregivers. Abuse and not having common sense in a situation can happen when you least expect it. If you want to know your child will be safe  your best bet is you. Even if you set up a camera and try and watch to make sure things will be "okay" when you are gone it may be too late even by then! I have watched hidden nanny cams where mentally retarded children have been abused and neglected or  a very young child get scolded and beat for not wanting to eat. As, I said trust no one! If it can happen, assume that it will happen and take any precaution necessary to ensure your child is safe. an uncertified but, loving and caring family member would probably be a better option however, that's who I was being cared for by when I was molested! So, you can never really be sure!!! You are your child's no.1 best choice for child care.

  2. You can sue   no matter what.  It does not mean you are getting a better human being. It only means they are more trained  in things like CPR and basic development

  3. Beats me. Kooks come with and without credintials.

  4. If I had to find a babysitter it would be someone in the family or a friend.  I personally wouldn't trust my kids with some day care person clocking in just to get some money.

  5. So I've been babysitting since I was 14 (when I got into high school) and I did take a babysitting course with the Red Cross. Being certified does not mean that the parent can sue. Red Cross certification just means that you attended the class and you know how to do things like change an infants diaper correctly.

    If you're nervous about leaving your child/children with a babysitter then start with close family members. You can also ask for recomendations from friends with small children.

  6. umm I don't think any babysitter is trustworthy to be honest. The most trust worthy would have to be trusted family members. that's just wat I think and one baby sitter shouldn't have 7kids to look after alone. it's a little too hard so they should've hired like 2. but that's my opinion.

  7. O____O;; Really, who can you trust anymore? D;

    I say sue O_O

  8. Certification simply means that they took a class or passed a test that covered basic childcare and safety topics.  So yes, a certified babysitter may have been taught something about first aid and emergency procedures, how to change a diaper, etc.  But that certification doesn't make them a caring, responsible, trustworthy person.  I once worked at a daycare center that hired only college degreed teachers, and witnessed many of these "educated professionals" screaming at kids, tying them to their cots at naptimes, and letting babies lay alone in their cribs all day long, never once holding them or changing their diapers until moments before the parents came to pick them up.  On the other hand, the most reliable, responsible and sweet babysitter I ever used was a 12 year old neighbor girl.  So, no... I don't think "certifications" mean a dang thing.

  9. Not really. There are plenty of trustworthy babysitters without certifications.

    Having one can show a genuine interest in babysitting though.

    But you have to think in the mind of a child abuser, they'd go the extra mile to get certified to get close to a kid...

  10. I am 13 years old and recently took a four hour babysitting class. We learned first aid, CPR, how to react to different medical complications, and other things like how to keep children entertained, burping, and changing diapers. Now I am a "certified" babysitter. The class was very beneficial to me and now I feel very confident when watching children. It was great for someone like me, but there were other girls in the class who I would NOT trust with my children. Some text messaged under the table and did not listen at all. So my advice is hiring certified babysitters is better because most are well educated, but don't hire a babysitter just because they are certified. Yes, being certified is an advantage, but hire who you know and trust the most. Hope I helped. Good luck!

  11. i say stick with some one in the family you've known for a long time

    i'm not a " certified" baby sitter, but i do have training in cpr/first aid

    and i never leave a child alone.

    i even know the number for 911

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