
Are "hemp seeds" just basically a professional name for a cannabis/marijuana seed or is it a seed all its own?

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Im just straight up a hemp seed something special...or is it straight up something i can get from a dime bag of "weed" that has some stems and seeds in it haha?




  1. Why you buying weed with stems and seeds?  That's a problem.  Must be Texas.

    Anyway...I'm not sure about the seeds, but I do know that 'hemp' is different from 'marijuana' or whatever.  Hemp, as you likely know, will not get you high in the least.  You could smoke pounds of it and nothing would ever happen.  I would guess that since hemp can be grown legally in some places (I think Canada?) that all these seeds come from hemp...from a legal source.  But...I'm not sure if you could take seeds from a bag of weed and call them hemp seeds.  That is I'm not sure if they have the same properties as 'hemp', but I would guess it does....but that's just a guess.

  2. A friend use to grow hemp in their home country for rope making and didn't know that it could be smoked. remember there are many variety of the hemp ( cannabis/marijuana). just like marigolds, tomatoes, onions. One thing  you shouldnt smoke this because long term it will weakin you blood vessels and cause strokes. how ever the medical field woundn't tell you that. so dont smoke!

  3. YUP

    In the old days, cowboys and the occassional indian smoked rope, hemp rope.

  4. There are basically two types of marijuana plants (there are hundreds of strains I know, by for this purpose I'll say two).  One is hemp, a.k.a industrial hemp, and the other is marijuana.

    Marijuana is bred for it's THC content, and hemp is bred for it's nutritional value and fiberous strength.

    The hemp plant has virtually no THC in it, whereas the marijuana plant is loaded with THC goodness.  Here is an analogy that might help put hemp and marijuana into perspective.

    Hemp is like orange juice (has trace amounts of alcohol in it) marijuana is like vodka(full of THC content).  If you grew a plant from hemp seeds, you could smoke the whole thing and not get a buzz, whereas marijuana seeds would grow into smokable marijuana.

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