
Are "water conserving toilets" conservative when you have to flush 2x? Conserving showers take 2x longer

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The old toilets did the job in one flush when flushing a #2. The new "water conserving" ones have to be flushed at least twice, usually three times to get it to go down, so they DO not conserve water do they?

Also, the new water conserving shower heads that come out as a trickle compared to the old ones don't work either.

It takes me more than twice as long to rinse out my long, curly hair than it did with our old shower head, so I'm using much more water!

This conservation is getting out of control and the stuff that is invented doesn't work half the time anyway.

I'm all for conserving, but don't like being forced to buy only these products when they don't work for me!

Does anyone else agree???




  1. I agree with the showers but the toilets are great, they have way more power than the old ones. I have never had to flush twice.

  2. I agree!

  3. yes water levels have remained the same on the earth whether in vapour or liquid it just resides in different places at different times.The conservation is more on the processing and purifying so we can drink it that is what costs and what our technology cannot keep up with.Low flow toilets with a pressure tank rocket #2 down the drain,as for a low flow shower head I use a Teledyne that uses .5 litres of water per minute and it is great.

  4. Let's do the math. Old toilets used five to seven gallons per flush (gpf). Then we went to 3.5 gpf. Now the toilets are 1,6 gpf. Say you go to the toilet ten times a day (you're young; it's more for me). You defecate one of those times and it takes you three flushes to clear the bowl. The rest of the time you just urinate and it takes you one flush. That's 12x1.6 gpf or 19.2 gallons versus 35 gallons, a savings of 15.8 gallons per day per person. When we upgraded to an ultra-low-flush toilet, I figured that it paid for itself in about three years. That's pretty good payback.

  5. no one should buy any water conserving products because studies confirm that the water level on earth has stayed the same if not gone up in the past several million years.  when we use water it just get's filtered and goes back into the earth to be used again.

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