
Are rabbits allowed ice cream?

by  |  earlier

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My little mini lop loves the stuff :S

He gets angry when I have some and don't let him have a few licks.

Is this good for him? :S




  1. No.

  2. as long as its carrot flavor,

  3. No, it's bad for them.  They have very very delicate digestive systems and should be fed a strictly vegan diet.  Dairy products are bad for them and can make them gassy (which they can not burp to expel), give them diarrhea, or just give them a tummy ache.  It's in the best interests of your bunny to never give him any dairy product.

  4. If i were you i would just stick to the normal rabbit food! If you're not sure wether or not ice cream can harm your rabbit then why take the risk? I've had lots of rabbits of my own-i know quite alot about them but im not 100% sure if ice cream is bad for them. I would vote yes though.

  5. a couple of licks won't hurt as long as it isn't everyday.  One of my bunnies was the same way with ice cream and was always very healthy.

  6. It might give him some uhhh bowel problems

  7. You should avoid processed sugar, grains, and other "people food" at all costs.

    Rabbits have very sensitive gi tracts, and they are only meant to digest certain foods.

    So be a good parent and say no. He can have a strawberry or piece of banana instead for a sweet fix.

  8. like a l**k but not alot everyday

  9. No ice creams are for humans!  Have you tried introducing it to grass?

  10. It is probably alright to have a few licks, but remember that a rabbit's stomach is delicate.

  11. If you give it to him once in a while, he'll be fine but don't give it to him too often as its high in sugar. Make sure the ice cream doesn't have chocolate in it as this can be deadly!

  12. he is little... ehi , you have msn?

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