
Are race horses naturally competitive against each other?

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Or do they run fast because the guy on their back is hitting them with a stick?




  1. Yes, horses can be naturally competitive against each other. Even backyard trail horses...there are the ones that have to be first in line, or they will throw a fit. We used to take our horse out and run them flat out, I had an Arabian at the time and she wanted to beat the other horses, and she wasn't race trained. Of course some horses couldn't care less and for that reason those one's will never make it on the track. So yes some horses are very competitive against each others and some aren't.

  2. They are competitive but they are bred that way and also trained that way

  3. Race horses are no more "naturally" competitive than any other athlete.

  4. A pony foal or draft foal will run rings around its dam.

    Any horse’s instinct is to flight or fight. When something sets them off running, be it a grizzly bear or a starting gate, they are in flight mode. In flight mode they operate on instinctive knowledge. Other horses running beside them fuel this strong desire to get away. On that primal instinctive level they know that the slow horse is dinner. Race horses have been selectively bred for centuries to advance this instinctive behavior. A horse race is just a stampede in a controlled direction (usually).

    The guy on their back 'hitting them with a stick' is just giving them a reason to flee. Incidentally, on some curious horses, the bat or whip will actually cause the horse to pull up, or slow down. Trainers make a living knowing which is which.

  5. they are neat...a new foal will actually run in circle like a race track within weeks of introduction to the pasture...race with each other...etc throw the whip away...

  6. they are just like us humans some can run fast some can't run at all, but it's not that they aren't trying . A slow horse no matter how much you hit it will not run any faster. All horses have to run under a qualifying time before they can go to the races to even it out.

  7. No, horses are herd animals...they feel safest when in a group, not in front or behind.  Some horses just like to run; if the trainer and jockey can make them feel safe,  they are the horses who will win races.

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