
Are racial issues playing a part in the campaign?

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The current presidential campaign is one in which one of the two major parties is running a racial minority as a candidate. Are racial issues playing a part in the campaign? How are these issues being discussed in the media? How would you observe race as a factor in this election?




  1. Obama's whole campaign is that he's black so he threw in some ambiguous "change" plan whatever the h**l that means.

  2. The only one who brings up the race issue is Obammy. Kind of a simpathy thing.

  3. Yes i believe so!

  4. Unfortunately I do think that racial issues are playing a part in the presidential campaign.  It's sad how we live today in a society where diversity cannot be overcome, and we cannot see eachother as equals.

    Hope I helped (:

  5. yes

  6. Many here are racists, despite denials. Many will never vote anything but white. Racism is far from dead all over the world.

  7. If your will listen closely, Obama has played the card more than anyone..strange huh?

  8. of course. blacks will always vote their own color, regardless of candidate.

  9. Child I'm'm 55 and the questions of our Presidents race means nothing, in fact from my own view point if in a personal associations  show a favor of his race over another race, this is  a normal mentally healthy individual.

    In the case of Obama with his previous experience as president of the Harvard Law Review which by the way is only an honorarium.

    Obama has as all Lawyers demonstrated his desire to be seen as a Judge,

    Judge is one thing,

    President of the United States requires a different tact.

    Our National motto states the best case,

    From Many One.

    Obama presumes he is The One.

    The recent descriptions by the Free Medias of this country has called Obama,

    "The Destroyer of Denver".

    Obama is again assigned the title decrying his abilities as "a Unifier above all" with great persuasive power, demonstrated by the masses of people in attendance to his public appearances.

    Obama made public statements, against The common man and the rights guranteed by our Conastitution, Cling to God and Guns.

    Obama refuses to honor his dead , his statement about his Grandmother , typical White woman.

    Obama has in his books stated he would abide with muslem persecpetions over the presence of freedom Guranteed to United States Citizen by Our Consitution.

    He is by his own words, has mental states that in to the past did lead him to commit felons aganist sociatal laws of this country with His Drug use of Crack Cocaine.

    His private associations of self described Criminals and convicted criminals.

    Obama current non-affilation with any form of worship of God.

    All this true and in plain Language word for word laid out within the Bible in the Old testiment ,and the Countrys recognized as free nations of this world.

    too scary for me.


  10. i think it is racist on both sides THE WHITES,that only like whites will ovousily VOTE for A WHITE MAN.and the blacks that ONLY LIKE BLACKS WILL VOTE for a BLACK MAN.And people need to stop saying OBAMA is racist just because HE SAYS HE WANTS A CHANGE does not meen because the COLOR OF HIS SKIN,when he says HE WANTS A CHANGE HE SPEAKS TO EVERYONE in this world.AND MABE for once it would be good to see a black MAN AS A PRESIDENT to open PEOPLES eyess AND SHOW THEM NOT ONLY CAN THIS COLOR BE A PRESIDENT BUT ANYBODY CAN,and they should be judgeing the pERSON ON THE INSIDE.not their color.SO FORGET ALL THE RACIST PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD.

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