
Are racism and slavery okay?

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I am not racist but shouldn't slavery still be legal? It seems that it should be. Their isn't anything wrong with having someone do work for you. I wouldn't be a mean slaveowner or anything like that or beat and whip them, unless they tried to run away or talked back (but thats obvious). I wouldn't seperate families or anything because thats just messed up, theyre people too. But having them plow fields or manual labor really wouldn't be too bad. Congress should pass a bill for slavery to be legalized again!




  1. No Slavery shouldn't be brought back.

    All Men Should be free.

  2. Tommy you can be my slave I mean that would be the only way I think it should be legal.  

  3. A fake question asked for shock value? Nice try. Fail.  

  4. Ohh, shocking and original! NOT. News flash, slavery still exists and it's not funny in the least. If you think slavery is cool then think about all of the human trafficking that is going today. Young kids being sold for s*x, pornography, etc. There's nothing funny or cute about that. Did you know that there are more slaves today then there was during the Mid Atlantic slave trade?

    Not cool, as far as racist, it still exists too and will never go any place because you can't change people's minds when it comes to intoleran


    Here's a quote:

    Let’s look at the statistics: an estimated 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year; approximately 50 per cent of all victims are children; 126 million children work in the worst forms of child labour - one in every 12 of the world's five- to seventeen-year-olds; there are an estimated 300,000 child soldiers involved in over 30 areas of conflict worldwide, some younger than 10 years old.

    These people have no choice over the course of their lives, no rights, and are often beaten, abused and threatened with violence. Slavery is flourishing in many parts of the world and it is every bit as ugly as it was 200 years ago.

    So now you know and there is no excuse for the ignorance. This is not just for you, but for those that feel like you do.

  5. What YOU said is in brackets. "[]"

    [I am not racist but shouldn't slavery still be legal?]

    In my opinion, no. Slavery would ONLY make society worse than nowadays, but, the only time slavery should actually be legal is when a criminal is sentenced to hard labor. However, the laborer would only be a 'slave' to the state she's currently imprisoned, or extradited. The definition of slavery is. "Work done under harsh conditions for little or no pay," or "The state of being under the control of another person."

    [It seems that it should be.]

    Believe me, slavery shouldn't be legal because no one should be forced to work against their will. The constitution gives us freedom, equal rights, and the ONLY time a slave should really BE a slave without being sentenced to hard labor, although I doubt it would happen, is when she volunteers, using her OWN freedom.

    [Their isn't anything wrong with having someone do work for you.]

    True, nothing is wrong with having your own worker because people employ workers everyday under normal circumstances, but never slave circumstances. Pay attention. Doing, hard and cruel jobs for little or no pay, is uncalled for, since the 'slave' might have a family to support, or be fatally ill.

    [I wouldn't be a mean slaveowner or anything like that or beat and whip them, unless they tried to run away or talked back (but thats obvious).]

    Because you said, "Unless they tried to run away," I'm guessing you mean holding the slaves against their will. Well, I'm sorry, but that isn't possible because we're protected by the constitution, 1st amendment to be specific, as it GUARANTEES us our freedom. Therefore, the slave has the FREEDOM to run away whenever she wants, and if she's assaulted, the slave owner could be jailed for assault, and possibly for 'owning a slave,' since it violates constitutional laws. Beating and whipping the slave is a form of assault, and if that person press charges, the modern-day 'slave owner' could be arrested. Remember, even if people nowadays become slaves, they would not be considered 3/5's a person as they were long ago. Therefore, they have the right to use the phone, and call the police.

    [I wouldn't seperate families or anything because thats just messed up, theyre people too.]

    Yeah, you probably wouldn't separate their families because they're humans too, but still, you'd own a slave like a dog? Where's the sense in that?

    [But having them plow fields or manual labor really wouldn't be too bad.]

    You're right, plowing fields wouldn't be too bad, since that's why they have REAL employees or farmers already doing it, rather than having a person doing it against their will, or for little or no pay.

    [Congress should pass a bill for slavery to be legalized again!]

    Seeing how you're completely oblivious to the situation, I want you to emphasize. Do you think it should be legal if I, as in my MYSELF, purchased you, then put YOU on MY property to clean my entire house, mow my lawn, and paint the entire house for a $1? Also, if you try to quit, or run away, I beat you. Do you think slavery should be legal then? And don't say the jobs I listed were, "Too much work," or don't say "I didn't have that in mind," because if you DO say that, then you obviously didn't think. Once owning a slave, you can make her DO ANYTHING, regardless of what you personally want her your do.

    Hopefully, you understand, slavery is bad for the community.

  6. I think racism and slavery are both wrong.  God created all people equal.  You can have someone working for you but don't call them a slave.  How would you like to be a slave?

  7. You're a ******* idiot. So what if you'd be "nice"? Slavery is the very opposite of freedom and choice, which, next to the right of life, are the two most important rights in this world. Why don't you go be a slave and lets see how you'd like to have all freedom and choice stripped from you.    

  8. First consider how life would be with you as the slave.

  9. as long as its not me its ok.

  10. People plow fields and stuff like that as an occupation these days.

    You're saying that we should kidnap people and force them to do what they would do by choice anyway!!!

    You're stupid!!!

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