
Are radio DJ's more important nowadays than when radio was just beginning?

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Are radio audiences more sophisticated these days? Do they need a DJ/radio host? What are the roles of a DJ? And what is the relationship between the listener and the DJ?




  1. I can't stand radio DJ's - I change stations whenever a gobby vapid moron comes on dribbling verbal diaorhhea. They either incite hate or talk c**p. I can't stand them and would ban them if I became prime minster.

  2. They are less important nowadays.

    Apart from the obvious times of day (breakfast or early evening {drivetime}) there is no real need for inane chatter.

    comment and news have their own dedicated radio channels....... music radio does not really need DJ's, except to say what songs are playing

  3. Alot of internet radios dont have DJs, i think it is not as important as, say 20 years ago. If you think back to the war days, in the 20's 30's, no TV, so they were vital.

    Have a look at how War of The Worlds effected everyone.


  4. i think a modern DJ is now supposed to try and integrate listeners with the station in as much as they have to appear like they are on a personal level with them and do things like competitions and song requests. The DJ usually talks about the song and tell people what it was called.

  5. No, but they often think they are!!

    In the earlier days of pop radio, in the UK at least, the likes of John Peel could be very influential in discovering new music - now it's just about DJ's being influential in discovering their own ego!!

  6. radio d.j.s used to be hip, and enlightened the public to new music.

    Nowadays the market determines the music played regardless of the d.j.s taste.

    Check out x.m.s buried treasures(with tom petty)and bob dillons theme time radio hour.These are shows where the d.j. choses the music played

    Today a "program director"picks play list and the d.j. is nothing more than a server that presents it to you and tells you to have a good day.


  7. they dont have the personalities like they used to in the 70s,etc- dj s  arent taken that seriously anymore

  8. radio dj's arnt important at all. They have either very little or no choice in the songs they play, and when it comes to talking they are on a very tight leash about what they can and can not discuss. I think the days of a real dj are dead, these days when people turn on the radio they either want talk or music not both thats why both xm and sirius on most of their music stations have no dj, even terrestial radio stations have tried the idea of no dj.

  9. Radio DJs are becoming less relevant as more people switch to the internet and downloaded podcasts and music. A figure-head is good from a branding point of view but the content still must be consistantly brillliant as it's so easy to switch supplier.

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