
Are rain bows made out of rain ???????????????

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Are rain bows made out of rain ???????????????




  1. no!

    theyre like a reflection or water and sunlight

  2. Well rain has something to do with it.  The rain drops become like prisms and the sunlight reflects off them creating the rainbow.

  3. no. its a reflection of light

  4. A rainbow is made when moisture in the air refracts the sunlight allowing you to see the visible spectrum (i.e. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet).

    Despite what others have said, it is not REFLECTION... if it was reflection then the rainbow would be colorless. It's REFRACTION, the white light from the sun passes through the water droplets and is separated into individual wavelengths of the visible spectrum.

  5. Well sort of.....Rainbows require rain drops and sunlight.  The sunlight passes through the raindrops and the water refracts the light into all the colors of the spectrum.  The rain drops become a prism.

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