
Are rains a refreshing break or tempo breakers for golfers at play?

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Are rains a refreshing break or tempo breakers for golfers at play?
Sports and weather are very much interrelated. Weather almost always affects the outcome of a match in one way or the other. It may not have a direct affect but it surely affects it indirectly.
There are numerous factors which affect the game such as humidity, wind speed but the most important one is the rain.
Weather affects a specific sport in its own specific way. It is not necessary that rain affects each game in a similar way. Like in tennis, golf and more, rain interrupts the play which may cause a player to lose their momentum.
In most of the cases, rain aids the losing side. It gives them that break which is needed to re-gather their thoughts and approach towards the match.
Whereas for the players who are winning, it may not be a pleasant break, as their momentum is broken and they may not be able to play with that kind of energy.
In team sports, however, it is a different matter altogether. Rain, most of the time, aids the winning side. As the conditions become tougher, the more difficult it is for the losing team to make a comeback.
In golf rain is a very dicey factor. Not only does it affect the golf course but the players’ approach towards the event also changes. Rains may sometimes be tempo breakers or refreshing but they completely change the dynamics of the game.
For those who are leading, they do not want any break in the proceedings. They like to finish their rounds as early as possible. However, a break in the tempo means that they would have to find their rhythm once again.
If a player fails to get back into the rhythm, it is very frustrating and may lead to a poor round from there on.
For those who need to re-think their approach towards the round need such kind of breaks. The rain not only gives them some rest but it also relaxes them mentally.
When the rain goes away, they are the ones normally making progress at a faster rate because they had that time to refresh themselves and rethink their strategy.
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own and in no way represent's official editorial policy.



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