
Are raisins safe for a 1 year old to eat?

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My son is 1 years old and his new daycare provider gave him raisins. Is this ok or is it a choking hazard?




  1. I have a one year old and she loves raisins, eats them all the time.  She has quite a few teeth and cutting her first molars, but thats beside the point.  Gums are tough, alone.  Raisins are soft, easy to chew, and with a somewhat close eye, shouldnt be choked on.  I say its fine.

    ***  To the below, a child *CAN* choke on almost anything he/she is given.  Does that mean you arent going to let you kid eat?  Get real.  Good mothers go by instinct, not a crappy website like babycenter that is full of garbage info.

  2. I think they are okay, however a 1 year old should be supervised at all times when eating as anything can become a choking hazard.  One other point, too.  Don't give too many raisins at this age, as they tend to eat lots, then this can cause diarrhoea-type bowel motions.

  3. It really depends on your child.  Does he eat other small things well?  If not let them know flat out its not ok for him to eat such things.

    But you should also know that raisins are found to be a sneaky culprit for cavities.  They are the laffey taffy of the fruit world.  they stick to teeth and can cause cavities so quickly.  And most child care centers are too busy to line up the kiddo's to brush teeth properly or if at all.  

    Personally, I'd tell them that my child cant have raisins.  

  4. My twins are 18 months, and I have not tried raisins yet due to choking hazard. Peanuts are not safe because of a chance of alergic reaction. I would advise healthcare provider of exactly what you want them to feed and not to feed your child.

  5. My guess is that Yahoo Answers is the absolute last place on earth you should seek advice for raising your child.  

  6. Yes raisins are a choking hazzard, show this article to your daycare provider and ask her not to give your child raisins.

    "Small, hard foods: Nuts, popcorn, cough drops, hard candies, raisins, and other small dried fruit and seeds are potential choking hazards. Also avoid chewing gum and soft foods like marshmallows and jelly candies that might get lodged in your child's throat."

    If you click on your child's age group it says to continue avoiding all of these choking hazzards.

    EDIT: I can't believe people say things like "My 1 yr old eats them and has never had a problem" SO what?! That doesn't mean they won't. I can't believe people take unecessesary chances like that with their child's life.

  7. I wouldn't think so as it would take molars to chew the raisins. The poor kid might choke on it like he would peanuts, which is why it isn't recommended to give a child peanuts until 3 years of age I believe. I suggest just giving him cut up grapes instead or get some of those Gerber star puff things that are good finger foods for a 1 year old. My kids are two and I wouldn't give them raisins just yet. I'm going to hold off until they get more teeth. Tell the daycare provider you are not comfortable about her giving him raisins despite what she says.

  8. It is a choking hazard.I would ask the day care to NOT give your kid raisins.

    Maybe even try to find another day care since this one cannot make a good judgment call.

  9. Well, I was scared to give them until I found out mine was eating them like candy at daycare. So were all of the kids. Only the small ones. I asked myself the same question. But, she loved them and we never had a problem. Some of my older mom's laughed at me when I asked. They all gave their kids raisins to push the p**p out;) Now She is 14 months and will eat a box in a second. But, you are mom and if you don't feel like it is right, ask them not to.

  10. No  

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