
Are rankins dragons worse pets than beardies?

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i've read that they are not as this true? i've been thinking about getting a lizard for some time and thought a rankins dragon would be ideal because of its size.also, if you have a rankins dragon, could you describe what, how much and how often you feed him?

any advice (including good websites) will be appreciated.





  1. from what i hear they basically have the same requirements as a bearded dragon (Pogona Vitticeps) but rankins dragons(Pogona henrylawsonii) stay a bit smaller and can be kept in no smaller than a 20g long tank as for their demeanor i really dont know but i've heard they are alot more skittish then the pogona vitticeps

  2. This is the first I've heard of them , but beardies are great, they have good personality and bond with the owner if you take the time with them. I would think that the same would be true for these others. Now I will research this.

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