
Are rats good pets?

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My mom doesn't like rodents, but i've had a hamster and a rabbit.... just never a rat.

I kind of want one bc people say they're the sweetest pets. I'm just afraid they're gonna bite me and their tails look gross.




  1. They Are Really Sweet

    You Should Go Wherever You MIGHT Buy They And Ask What Can Help You With Them..

    I Have 2 Dumbo Rats... Really Really Sweet

    And I Was Told From The Girl From PETSMART

    That Rats Are Sweet And They Can Be Trained

    Dont Put Seperates  genders in a same cage

    i have 2 females

    and they dont fight they play

    feed them

    Sweet Tomatoes..


    Lettuce...(Special Kind Is DARK GREEN)

    They Only Bite Of They Smell Food On Your'e Fingers

    But When They Bite Its A Nibble


    So Dont worry

    Get Them Maybe  A  3 story cage if you cant afford thats fine but try to get a big one

    with  2-4 story or any

    like i got a  Ferret Cage 4 myne and a BIG wheel 4 them to

    Good Luck

  2. GROSS? Rats are adorable, and are very clean. They're extremely social, and I definantly reccomend them.

    My rat has bit me only once, but my brother didn't treat her very well. We talked to him, and now she's a sweet little rat.

    GET A RAT!!!!!!

  3. they are ok as non interactive pets i had two fancy rats and they bit my little boy so i wouldnt reccomend them for kids but if your looking for something similar but less irratating than a hamster thats the way to go.

  4. I have 5 rats and they have never bitten me. When I first got them I was nervous and was a little scared to hold them. The tail was also what got me. The tails aren't all that bad and eventually though you get over it. I hardly even notice the tails now. But if it's a huge concern for you get a rat that's tail blend in with it's fur. No animal is perfect, rats are cute, smart, and lovable, they have to have some drawback just to be fair to the other animals =)

  5. YES!

    The tails are easy to get over once you start spending time with them, believe me. I started working in a pet store and totally fell in love with them. Now I've got one I adopted and I will be getting another from work to keep him company (you should not get a lone rat, they need company)! They're intelligent, affectionate, and sweet. However, they need lots of interaction and a pretty large cage! If you just leave them in their cage all day, they're bound to be wary of people. But as long as you take them out often and treat them well, they'll be wonderful pets.

    You're way more likely to be bitten by a hamster than a rat! :P

  6. We love ours.  They're intelligent, so if treated nicely, they'll remember you as one of the pack and be friendly.

    Tails - well, you get used to them, but it can irritate the pet if you brush it the wrong way.

    I've got nipped once, but it was very gently, and only because Smokey thought the food nugget extended onto my finger.  A firm, but certainly not sharp sensation.  No chance of pain.

    A word of advice: get them used to you from an early age, and very gently smooth their claws.  Otherwise they can use you as a playground more enthusiastically than you might want, and indeed use you as a ski slope.  Mild scratches can ensue.

    Clean the cage out conscientiously, otherwise slight smells can occur.

    I myself have a slight allergy to rat hair, but this is cured by the same medication that I use for hayfever.

  7. Everyone is always freaked out by their tails..I think their cute.  The tails arent bad when you get sued to them, and you will.  And yes rat are really the sweetest pets, they come up to you and welcome you like dogs to and they love you no matter what.  Though if you put your fingers through the wire in their cage they may bite you, depends on the rat.  I have two girls in the same cage and one bites (and not nicely) and the other will sniff and sometimes l**k and hold your finger, but even the bitey one wont bite if the door is open and your petting them.  You need two though, same s*x.  Its just mean to only get one rat, because they are so social.  You should get some if you know that you can gie them the appropriate attention love and care.  They really are wonderful.

  8. Rats are dirty animals.They stink and even if you clean the cage they stink.Plus you might be allergic and not even know it! I had a silver fancy wire-haired rat i had to get rid of it cuz it stunk and I was allergic.Rats are only good for my snake to eat.

  9. I have two rats named Chippy and Harry, they are the bomb! Infact, they are sitting/running on me as I type this :P

    They are the bestest little things but you have to put in the time and effort to play with them, handle them everyday and make sure they are comfortable with you. It's best if you get one hand raised (my two are) because even though it might cost more it will save you the distress of an untamed rodent running about the house :P Do some more research: internet sites and books...

    Good luck :)

    P.s. the tails aren't gross, they curl around your fingers when you stroke them ^_^ and they won't bite you if your kind to them!

  10. They are AMAZING and really clean. I mean when the pee it stinks a little bit but not really. I had one, they don't live very long but he was loads of fun and very smart. They don't bite either if you adopt a good one from a reputable breeder, or maybe from a shelter. Their tails feel somewhat weird. It's not gross or anything though. They eat lots of interesting things and are just so cute!

  11. Rats make TERRIFIC pets. Make sure you keep them in pairs; lone rats get awfully lonely.

  12. Rabbits are better pets

  13. Rats are absolutely great.  I had three....I only have Zandah left now, since Spike and Hairy passed away.  

    Rats are very intelligent, they interact with you, come to greet you when you enter the room they are in, they love to play with you and investigate and learn new things.  Mine like to play hide and seek.  

    Mine were all male (not good to mix them up unless you want a Rat Ranch), my daughter had females.  Females tend not to 'mark' their territory as much and hence don't pee all over stuff as much as males.  

    Mine were 'Dumbo's' and so cute.  I got them when they were six weeks old...its best to get them as young as possible after being weaned.  

    Mine never ever bit me.   Even when they got confused and thought my finger was an offering of food they never hurt.  As soon as they realized it was my finger they let go.  

    It is best to get at least two at a time since they are very sociable and by nature are used to living in groups.  They like to groom each other and curl up together to sleep.  You need to interact with them every day.

    The only down side to rats are that they don't live very long.  Usually about two and half to  three years, but they are such great company it really is worth having them.

  14. I had three male rats and I LOVED THEM!!!!!!  They were my babies.  they are truly the SWEETEST animals and I would recommend the to anyone in the world!!!!!


    Biting isn't even a big deal.  my boy didn't bite me once!!!!! If the rat dos bite you, you just tell it no and tap its head!!!!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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