
Are raw eggs in pie bad for you??

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I saw an Emeril tv episode where he made a lime meringue pie with raw eggs; this pie went in the fridge overnight (no baking at all), and then he used a lighting torch to add that golden-brown color to the meringue. Looked delicious, but the idea of the raw eggs in the pie scares me. Is it safe?




  1. I am asuming that the yolks were used in the filling and since the filling is generally heated to thicken, the yolks added are going to get enough heat from that filling to be considered edible.  As to the meringue, yes the whites are often turned into that nice golden color by the use of the torch by chefs all the time and it seems to be that the heat from the torch is enough for cooking the whites too.

    I have ate Lemon Meringue pie that was cooked in this manner and it was great!  

  2. Traditional lemon meringue pie calls for the yolks to be cooked in a double boiler with lemon (or in this case, lime) juice and corn starch to produce a solid filling. The yolks have been thoroughly cooked in this process. The egg whites for the topping are also cooked enough by the blow torch Emeril used. You are wise to be cautious of raw egg products; in this case you don't have to worry. Discover the delights of lime (or lemon) meringue pie--you'll be HOOKED!

  3. you could get food poisoning.. but do not worry im sure its ok.

  4. It is alright to have raw eggs in pie or other food, I took it all my life and still live healthly untill today I am 60+, dont be afraid as long as it is clean and fresh. Good luck

  5. They're fine for most fit and healthy people, young children, babies, pregnant women and the elderly should avoid raw eggs in recipes.

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