
Are red ear turtles good pets?

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I'm getting a pet turtle!

and I'm not sure what type...

What do you think of the red ear turtle?

are they good? Any past experiences that you could share would help:]




  1. First off, MANY KUDDOS for researching the animal before you get it.

    Yes, they are good pets if you can provide a large tank, and all the proper equipment.  You'll need a good filter (rule of thumb is the filter should be for a tank 3 times larger than the one you have, like if it's 30 gal, the filter should do a 90 gal, etc.).

    Turtles are messy eaters, and make a lotta waste product.  So, research their care and needs thoroughly before you get the little guy from a hatchling right up until it becomes an adult, and know what you're getting into.

    Nutrition is very important, and the turtle will need UVB lighting for calcium absorption so it doesn't get MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease).

    You have a lot to learn before you bring home your new pet.  I'll post some links below to get you started on your research.

    An informed owner is a happy one with a healthy and content pet.

    Most of all, enjoy your new turtle!

    I hope this has been helpful.

  2. well, sometimes. they have to be in water, which means you have to clean the rocks and stuff constantly, and you can keep them out of the water that long to play with them. a box turtle doesn't have to be in water which makes you able to play with them more. the box turtles eat fruits and stuff, but the red ears eat pellets, even though they would rather have little minoes. i would get a box turtle before a red ear.

  3. ive had experience with res and they make good pets but they get pretty big.  if i were you i would get a mississippi map turtle.  these are my personal favorites.  they are relatively easy to take care of.   a male reaches only 5 inches long. a female will get over 9 inches so i suggest getting a male.  a male will do well in a 40 or 50 gallon tank.  almost all of the tank should be dechlorinated water.  their water should be about 80 degrees.  they will need a water heater to maintain that temp.  they like their water high also.  they will need an area just big enough to hold them to completely dry off.  over the dry dock should be a uv light.  uv lights are vital to a turtles health.  mississippi map turtles should be kept in clean water.  their tank should be cleaned once a week.  to keep their water as clean as possible feed them in a seperate container (filled with water) and invest in a filter.  they eat live foods such as crickets and mealworms.  they also need to be fed pellet foods high in calcium and vitamin a.  juvenille turtles should be fed daily and adults should be fed every other day.  mississippi map turtles can also be housed with other turtles.  overall they make great pets.  

    with any turtle you get dont freak out if it doesnt want to eat the first week you get.  changing environments is very stressful on turtles.  

    turtles may also require vet care if they get sick.  turtles dont get over sickness very well unless they are treated immediantly so if you ever suspect that your turtle is sick call a vet immediantly.

    hope this helps

  4. I've had them.  Clean their enclosure everyday or they will stink you out of the house.  other than that they were great

  5. res i had one and i loved it but my mom made me get rid of it but get one there fun and cool

  6. yes if you have lots of room and $$$$

    Sliders, Cooters , painted ,map and yellow bellied are require the same care and feeding..

    I have had two Sliders for 36 yrs now plus a 8 yr old and a 5 yr old..

    I have had them in a 150gal pond for about 6 yrs now..

    **Here is some important and a lot of info. If he or she is small get feeder guppies or small feeder goldfish, frozen brown worms ..even meal worms. For the lil guys you may have to cut up there food.

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