
Are red-tailed sharks schooling fish?

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I have a 55 gallon aquarium, is it okay to just buy one? Also, do they nip fins? I know that bala sharks sometimes do. And also, do they get more than 12 inches long or is it true they only get to be 7 inches long?




  1. they wont go to 12 inches long they will nip fins and the more the merrier as long as you dont overcrowd

  2. No they do not school, in fact just the opposite. They are very territorial as they mature and you can generally only keep one in a tank.

    They are not really agressive, but should be kept with other similar sized fish. They might nip the fins of slow moviing long finned tankmates. Expect them to grow to a max of about 6"


  3. Red tailed sharks will be ok together when they're young, but will get territorial to others of their own kind when they get older and will also bully any other fish in the aquarium. They will nip and chase the others around. Not a good community fish.

    EDIT: See my other answer to the same exact question you asked for more info.

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