
Are redsox fans worried when they go to Yankee Stadium?

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im a met fan from NY but i go to some yankee games to cheer on NY and ive been to 3 redsox yankee games and each time ive seen at least one redsox fan get beat up. one was REALLY bad. idk if its like that all over the US but i wanna know what you guys think when ur there




  1. same thing happens when they come to boston. i've seen a few prettied up haha

  2. Yankees fan here. I'm sure Sox fans might be a little worried coming into the Cathedral to watch a Yanks-Sox game. But really, all you have to do is come to the park, behave yourself and not go looking for trouble and you'll be fine. By and large, fans are there to watch the game, not to get into it with Sox fans.

    I would hope Yankees fans would be extended the same courtesy at Fenway Park. A few of my fellow Yanks fans have gone up to the Fens for a game and said it wasn't bad. They got a few taunts, the usual "Yankees Suck" chants aimed at them. But other than that, it was fine.  

  3. yankees fans just cant get over the fact that there team is not a world

  4. Well the SAWX fans probably pick the fights in the first place.

  5. I have been to Yankee/Red Sox , Dodgers/Giants , Angel/Yankees:

    Red Sox @ Yankees:

    Most people have RESPECT for each other. That is the big thing. If someone is looking for a fight by being a complete idiot someone will probably be willing to help them out. For the most part usually all yelling is directed at the field in these games.

    Giants @ Dodgers:

    Typical LA a lot of people get really drunk, talk alot of c**p & do nothing. Unless you are stupid enough to get into with someone in the parking lot, then you might get killed. FYI in the parking lot Shut the F**K Up & get in your car!

    Yankees @ Angels:

    The worst by far. Most Angel fans seek out Yankee fans & try to start fights. On average there is usually 3-5 fights with people leaving in handcuffs. I have had multiple people just walk up to me & say F**K You & try to start a fight. (Guess i have one of those likeable faces) Most people in Anahiem have NO respect,

  6. I think that's nothing compared to Dodger-Giants games

  7. right now they should be, since their team SUCKS

    yankee fans will take it out on Sawks fans since they are better

  8. no just be chill and try not to make any eniemies ur not gunna get beat up if u wear a redsox hat or anythin

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