
Are relationships nothing more than experiments these days?

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With the way most people move from one to the next in this present day society of ours, one could almost come to that conclusion...




  1. Hmmmm from my point of view of observing humans...yes they pretty much are. Every now and again, some lucky couple stays together for quite some time. Things aren't as they used to be. Alas.


  2. I'm almost inclined to think that myself.  I'll let you know in about 4 hours.;

  3. pretty much, its rare when someone finds true love. I like the old fashion kinda romance

  4. oh yeah, with a little magic wand

  5. I'd say you're on the right track with your observations.  They're just another symptom of the throw away society we live in today.  Nobody's looking for Mr/Miss Right's more like Mr/Miss Right NOW.  

  6. To some people that might be a logical answer. However, to others, if they have God and put Him first in their lives, to them a relationship is a mere informational process to marriage. And once one gets married, it is for life.

  7. Well, when we live in a society that even adults practice the FWB thing, it does seem relationships are as disposable as razors.

    Plus, people are having s*x on the second or third dates with someone.

    So what kind of emotional intimacy or commitment do they expect to get out of that?

    I think the days of romance and falling in love have gone by the wayside.

  8. i think many people are self serving in their casual relationships that last 1-4 days. when I am involved with someone for an indeterminate amount of time, i always take away something special i have learned from it.

  9. I find that the people I know have serious, long-term, ongoing relationships.  Of course, maybe when they were in their teens and early 20's they might have tested out a lot of sporting models but eventually they found someone they wanted to share their lives and loves and future and daily everything with and settled down.  They did their playing around when they were young, they sifted through the rubble and found the gem they were suited to.

  10. Yep. I agree 10000%, nothing more than experiments but that's not always a bad thing. Relationships help you determine what you do and don't want from a mate. That way when that special one comes along, then you will know it.

  11. Most of my friends are either thinking of divorcing their husbands or have already gone through a divorce (like I have).  And the ones that are still single, have gone through so many "serious" relationships, I think they've lost, I have to say I almost agree with you (almost).  

  12. it truly is a shame. whatever happened to BOY/GIRLFRIENDS?? Today it's just "someone i'm seeing RIGHT NOW". And that is truly sad; concerning the cases of STD'S out there!

  13. I think relationships are past the point of being experiments. At least, through experimentation, there is curiosity, an attempt to find or draw something from it. Nowadays, relationships seem more like EVENTS.

    Sometimes alike seeing a Mac truck coming at you while trying to cross the street and either deciding to avoid it or taking the chance of getting in its' way.

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