
Are religious people so dumb, they don't even know what to name a church?

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No offense but this is serious. For any non religious person it takes 2 seconds to know which church is Christ's and which isn't just by looking at the name (You know, it's usually found on the big neon billboards).

Wouldn't Christ's church naturally be called "The Church of Christ",

"The church of Jesus Christ" or even "This is Jesus Christs Church" or just "Christ's church"?

Why do people name churches everything other than that? Instead you call his church "Unity bible church." "Bible church". or even after other people's names instead of Christ, like "Lutheran church" or Bill Jo's church" The list is endless since no one seems to realize their church, by definition of the title, is not Christ's church.

So naturally you can eliminate 95% of the churches out there.




  1. Unfortunately, from where you stand you do not know that the name of a church does not always reveal the doctrines taught from the pulpit.

    Sometimes it is of a help, many times it is not.

    Very, very often, a church calling itself the Church of Christ has anti-biblical theology. You wouldn't think so but I would and the difference is two important things - education and experience.

    Hope that clears that up at least somewhat.


    Thanks for your fast response...sadly, we all know the name of Christ is attached to many things that are not of Him and the one of the biggest tragedies is when that happens to a house of worship.

    Anna P: Found your church's website from one of your posts. Thanks for sharing that!


    Yes indeed, the naming of churches is an important matter as it needs to be Christ honouring and should provide a serious introduction as to what one can expect to find once inside the doors. This is why I find the misuse of Christ's name attached to churches such a heartbreaking thing in so many cases. I find that a good many churches use the denomination name and then the name of the area in which the church is located.

    For instance if I were in Calif. and I saw a church going by the name of Santa Monica Baptist, I would be interested as I suspect that because it is Baptist is may just be biblically sound. I would have to hear some sermons and read their statement of faith.


    Perhaps the Baptist churches are not quite the same in the U.S. - I was under the impression that they are very similar.

    The church I attended last, while not being a Baptist church nor having the name of Christ in it's title, has a prominent plaque that the church belongs to the Chief Cornerstone Jesus Christ.

    Looking at your posted questions, it appears that you are a member of the LDS church, which I am not.

  2. Ya I can kinda relate. I want to go to the sixty-ninth church of Christ!

  3. Let me see if I get it:

    If its Jacob's Car I wouldn't call it Phil's Car...

    If its Joseph's son I wouldnt call it Robert's son...

    If it is Jesus Christ's Church I wouldnt call it Calvin's Church....

    Does that about sum it up for people who didnt understand?  If your church doesnt even CLAIM to belong to Jesus Christ, or have Him at the head (the bible is NOT Jesus) shouldnt that give you a clue as to if you ought to go there or not?  

    The Church is to be called after the person whose it is.  If it is Christ's, it should be called after him, not after Joseph, or Calvin, or martin luther, or the apostles, or the prophets, or anything else.

  4. While apparently, some of your responders do need get the point you are making, it makes perfect sense to me.  A church, after all, should be Christ's church.  If it carry's someone else's name, it follows that it is that person's church and not Christ's.

  5. Why do people say no offense and then call you dumb?  My church is New Hope because that is our philosophy-=-God offers a new hope for people.  Do you want to tell people what to name their children?  Their church?  I don't get the point and why it should annoy you.  There is a Church of Christ (two in fact).  Should we not say Greek Orthodox or other things?  Astounding.  

  6. What's in a name? You're reading too much in just a name. Catholic Church simply means a universal Church. No one can be denied membership. It is united as ONE in that all its basic doctrines & dogmas are the same throughout the entire world. And these can never be changed, regardless of public pressure, since they are considered infallible Divine Revealation. Matt 16, verses 18-19 indicates it was founded by Jesus Christ Himself and history allows one to trace it back to the apostles.  

  7. There is a town in England called "Christchurch".  Perhaps people are afraid there would be some confusion.

    Or, perhaps amongst the Christians, it is considered a foregone conclusion that each of their churches is a church of Christ.  In that case, it would be redundant to specify it explicitly.  Like calling a government office an office of waste management.  Duh.  They give it a different name so people will know WHICH office of government waste is which.

    Or, perhaps people want to distinguish different Christian churches by geo-location.  In which case a town's name would be appropriate.  Or, perhaps just "The Church of 132 degrees 17 minutes West by 38 degrees 41 minutes North" would work as well.

    Or, perhaps the Founder of Hooters (pbuh) had it right when he named each restaurant by the town's name.  He was a big fan of owls.

  8. Why don't you take a nap, and try again later

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