
Are republicanns evil?

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according to the internets?




  1. Some are, most are just deluded by comforting myths and dizzying spin. same is true with democrats

    However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

    GEORGE WASHINGTON, Farewell Address, Sep. 17, 1796

  2. Do your own research, preferably through unbiased HISTORY CHANNEL and historical documents and documentaries.

    Most teachers belong to UNIONS (pro democrat), which automatically biases their opionion. Most textbooks are written FOR those teachers by UNION writers.  Kids are being spoon-fed "socialism", Parents beware!

    Broadcasters and news outlets are also UNION, immediate bias to pro democratic. (CNN & MSNBC are public relations "agents" for the Dems)

    Hollywood is all UNION therefore what the celebs say, and the recording artists say (UNION) know there is bias.  They work and are allowed at the "A list" parties because they are UNION Democrats.

    Screenwriters and playwrights are also UNION, so what you see in the movies and on t.v. also has union democratic bias.

    Check out the Chicago mafia politics and their union connections. The Crime boss Godfathers put their candidates forward (and judges) to do their underworld will. "Earmarks" or Pork barrel spending is appropriated by the Democratics and funnelled to the Godfathers, that's why they want to RAISE taxes, they are greedy.  That's why the Mafia hates corporations, they don't get a piece of the action.

    Unions are the cause of the economic downfall in America, especially inflation, jobs are lost to China & India, efficiency is red taped, sub-standard education because the kids don't get the funding, the administrators do and the Unions are in charge.,

    Higher building costs = unaffordable homes, Almost unaffordable education costs, higher automobile manf.costs (loss of Detroit jobs).

  3. Yes. We capture small furry woodland creatures and poke them with sticks.

  4. Kinda like the joker asking" is Batman evil?"

  5. No. But they do some evil things.

  6. True conservatives are not evil. Paleoconservatism is what can save our party. The neoconservatives have thoroughly disgusted me away from the Republicans.

  7. No more evil than the democrats.

    They both have the same goal in mind. Bigger, more expensive, more powerful government, and less freedom & liberty. (neocons and neolibs atleast)
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